Chapter 1246
After hearing Chu Zhifang's words, Yunqian naturally knew another meaning in his words, and looked at him coldly and said, "Your words seem to make sense, but I don't know where they are going. "

Chu Zhifang took a look at Yunqian, but saw that the woman in front of him had an aura of magnanimity. She was three points colder than Princess Chu, and a bit more generous than Lu Zhu. Where should such a woman be placed? All are excellent.

He looked at Yun Qian and said, "Please enlighten me, Your Majesty."

Yun Qian looked at him and said, "As the steward of the palace, what kind of duties should you perform?"

Unconsciously, there was a bit of coldness in her words, and a bit of murderous look in her brows and eyes. Now that the power in the palace is in her hands, she naturally doesn't like those who have different ideas about her.

"Take care of the trivial matters in the palace for the master." Chu Zhifang answered without even thinking.

Yun Qian's eyes turned cold and said: "Then who is in charge of the trivial matters in the palace?"

Chu Zhifang replied: "The lord and the son are usually busy with government affairs, and rarely take care of the trivial matters in the palace. The trivial affairs in the palace are called Zhongfu, and the concubine is in charge..."

When he said this, he suddenly understood something, and it was not easy to continue talking now.

Yun Qian didn't intend to let him go, she looked at Chu Zhifang slantingly, her eyes were burning, and she could see that Chu Zhifang was uncomfortable all over, and his face was a little ashamed, he said softly: "Princess usually Li doesn't care about the affairs of the palace, so the affairs of the palace are actually taken care of by the Crown Princess."

"Do you still want to defend yourself?" Yunqian asked coldly, her eyes full.

Chu Zhifang let out a long sigh and said, "The imperial concubine has already seen through my thoughts, so I ask the imperial concubine to order me to punish me!"

Yunqian glanced at him coldly and said, "Punishing you is very simple, but you have been with your father for many years, and you are an old man in the palace who watched your son grow up. If I punish you like this, your father will say I am vicious, and the prince will think that I have gone too far, and the servants in the mansion will probably scold me behind my back. The reason you are helping Lu Zhu this time is that she has subdued your heart over the years and let you take over the palace. In your heart, I am vicious, and my ability cannot be compared with Lu Zhu."

Chu Zhifang's pale face turned red when he heard Yun Qian speak so bluntly.

Yun Qian raised her chin slightly and said, "Do you think that I will either beat people to death, or drive you out of Chu Palace, or that I will show mercy, cut your power, and throw you away?" Go to the corner of the palace and ignore it?"

Chu Zhifang was taken into consideration by Yun Qian's words, and his face blushed even more, but he didn't speak.

The reason why he dared to say these words in front of Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou today was that after seeing Yun Qian's methods, he knew that she had always been a vengeful character, and everything today must have been concealed But hers, so she simply admitted everything and let her send him off.

No matter how Yun Qian sent him off, he felt that he deserved it, but he saw that the father-son relationship between Chu Yuanzhou and the King of Chu was fading day by day, so he was really worried, so when Yun Qian called him When he came, the first thing he talked about was about King Chu, and he hoped from the bottom of his heart that the father and son would settle down.

(End of this chapter)

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