Chapter 1247
Yun Qian glanced at Chu Zhifang from the corner of his eyes and said, "The more you think like this, the less I will fulfill your wish."

Chu Zhifang was stunned for a moment, but Yunqian looked at him again and said word by word: "I want you to continue to be the steward of the palace, and watch how I can take care of the palace of Chu!"

Chu Zhifang stood there motionless when he heard the words, and Chu Yuanzhou also took a look at Yunqian. He always thought that Yunqian was a person who had revenge. This time, Chu Zhifang and Lu Zhu joined forces to plot against her. Qian Qian's temper will definitely not let Chu Zhifang go.

He thought about it for a while, and he understood why Yunqian wanted to keep Chu Zhifang. The main reason was that Chu Zhifang was an old man in the palace, and he was absolutely loyal to the King of Chu and Chu Yuanzhou. The most rare thing was that Chu Zhifang Fang is also a capable person.

Over the years, no matter whether Princess Chu was seriously ill or Lu Zhu was in power, Chu Zhifang played an extremely important role in the Chu Palace.

Yun Qian glanced at Chu Zhifang and said, "Before you go down, you have to do one more thing, kill all the maidservants next to Lu Zhu, and then select two maidservants to serve her."

Chu Zhifang was stunned for a moment, his face was a little unsightly, he looked at Yun Qian and said: "Today, the slave has finally seen the method of the concubine Shizi, and his thoughts are not thoughtful, please obey!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out, but he knew in his heart that when Yunqian gave this order, Lu Zhu would never have a trace of trust in him. I'm afraid that Lu Zhu's failure today would cause him to suspect that he went to Yunqian Report there.

Although he didn't do these things, Yun Qian didn't dismiss him, and asked him to deal with the people in Lu Zhu's house, but asked him to tell Lu Zhu that from now on, the person he was loyal to was Yun Qian.

All these things are done for people to see, but not for talking.

He used to think that the woman's affairs in the back house were nothing more than petty troubles, and they were all unsightly, but Yun Qian did it aboveboard, and the meaning in the middle was left to be guessed.

He has been in the palace for many years and has seen all kinds of people, so he can naturally guess these thoughts of Tou Yunqian.

As far as he was concerned, he had another choice, which was to disobey Yun Qian's arrangement and go to the King of Chu to ask for his resignation.

But that would inevitably aggravate the conflict between King Chu and Yun Qian, and Chu Yuanzhou must be protecting Yun Qian, and the final result would be to provoke the conflict between the father and son.

So when Yunqian arranged these things, I was afraid that he was also looking at how he would choose. If he chose to ask the king of Chu to resign, the matter would definitely become a big mess, and he would talk about those things with him in front of Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou today. The meaning of the words is contradictory.

Yun Qian will never keep him again!

Chu Zhifang sighed softly against the night, only felt that a teenage woman could see people's hearts so thoroughly, it was really scary, but for the ruler of the palace, such a ruthless temperament was needed.

Therefore, there is only one way in front of Chu Zhifang, and that is to do a good job as the steward of his palace. No matter whether the maid in Lu Zhu's room will be killed or not, there will be no master and servant between him and Lu Zhu. Feelings.

With this level, even if Lu Zhu returns to the palace in the future and gets favored again, there will be no one available in the palace. I'm sorry the waves are coming.

(End of this chapter)

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