Chapter 1248
Chu Zhifang coughed lightly, and called the guards in the palace. After a long while of silence, he finally said: "As ordered by the concubine, the maids beside concubine Lu, Yuyan and Yuliang, instigated the master to defile Shi Zifei, wanting to damage the reputation of Shi Zifei, dragged them all to the punishment room and killed them."

As soon as he said this, the guards froze for a moment, but quickly turned their heads to carry it out.

Soon Lu Zhu's house was full of wild animals, and there were mournful cries everywhere.

Chu Zhifang sighed softly facing the vast night, but did not speak again.

Tonight Lu Zhu didn't sleep in her own room, but stayed at Chu Tianqi's place. The big maids beside her, Swift and Yuliang, waited close to her. When she first heard the movement outside the house, she was about to ask someone to go out and have a look. What happened, those guards rushed in like wolves and tigers, and took Swift and Yuliang away.

Lu Zhu was surprised: "What are you doing?"

The guard replied: "It is the order of the concubine to arrest someone. If the concubine Luside thinks there is anything wrong, please go to the prince and talk about it."

After the guard finished speaking, he took the man away.

Lu Zhu had a severe headache. Hearing what the guard said, she couldn't help being very annoyed, but she also knew that Yunqian was cutting off all the people around her, and she was afraid to ask for the attitude of King Chu today. It didn't work either.

Lying on the bed, she only felt that the man's favor disappeared like floating clouds, and her heart was suddenly filled with despair.

Chu Tianqi knew that Yuyan and Yuliang were the two most powerful maids around Lu Zhu. Although she knew the whole thing, she still felt sorry for Lu Zhu.

She immediately stood in the way of the guards and said: "The one who is in charge of the palace now is the princess and not the concubine, why should she arrest the people around my mother!"

"Miss San, if you think this matter is inappropriate, you can go to the concubine and the prince. We are only following orders, so please don't embarrass us." A maid took it away.

Although Chu Tianqi was smart, she was raised in a nunnery since she was a child. Although she would return to the Chu Palace every year during the New Year, she knew a little about the battles in the palace, but she had never seen such a scene.

She couldn't help being anxious, and wanted to chase her out, but Lu Zhu called out: "Qi'er, don't chase her!"

At this moment, there was another extremely shrill scream from outside the door.

With tears in Chu Tianqi's eyes, she said, "Mother, I'm going to find my father!"

"Qi'er, don't go!" Lu Zhu said anxiously.

Chu Tianqi couldn't listen at this time, she turned around and was about to go out, Lu Zhu was anxious, regardless of her weakness, she hurriedly got up from the bed, she lost her balance, and fell towards the bed.

Seeing this scene, Chu Tianqi hurriedly reached out to help her, and said anxiously: "Mother, are you okay!"

But Lu Zhu firmly held Chu Tianqi's hand and said, "Qi'er, you must not go to your father at this time!"

"Why?" Chu Tianqi was a little puzzled.

Lu Zhu was already trembling with anger at this time, she almost gritted her teeth and said: "Go and beg your father at this time, we will only be convicted of framing Yun Qian, that bitch has deep plans, and he acts extremely viciously on weekdays. She dared to send people to arrest all the people around me at this time, which means that she has already prepared, if you go to beg your father, I am afraid that you will get angry."

(End of this chapter)

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