Chapter 1249 Mother and Daughter Talking Hearts
Lu Zhu has already suffered a few big losses from Yunqian. Although Chu Tianqi is smart, but she has no experience in the world, how can she be Yunqian's opponent, and how can she let Chu Tianqi follow her path again? .

When Chu Tianqi heard the words, tears rolled down and she said, "But mother, shall we let Yun Qian bully us like this?"

Lu Zhu said softly: "I will leave the palace tomorrow and go to another courtyard. The more I allow Yun Qian to bully us today, the more we will appear weak, and the more it will appear that Yun Qian is too despicable and shameless, so tonight we It's best to wait here."

There were tears in Chu Tianqi's eyes, and she said softly, "Mother!"

Lu Zhu wiped away the tears from Chu Tianqi's eyes and said, "Qi'er, you are the youngest daughter of mother, and the most precious person in mother's heart. You have not been by mother's side since childhood, and mother is very worried about you. Things in the nunnery are much more complicated than what you did in the nunnery before. If you go to another courtyard for your mother in the future, you must be careful!"

There was a trace of reluctance in Chu Tianqi's eyes, and she wept softly: "If my mother goes to another courtyard, Yun Qian will probably bully me!"

Lu Zhu said in a low voice: "So Qi'er, during the time I'm away, you must not confront Yun Qian head-on. You are far inferior to her in terms of scheming. Be careful when you get along with her on weekdays, and then try to stay as quiet as possible on weekdays." By your father's side, don't give her any chance to harm you, if you find anything wrong, go to your father."

"My father used to dote on my mother so much, but this time when something happened, he stood on Yun Qian's side. What's the use of me begging him?" Chu Tianqi said helplessly.

Lu Zhu's eyes were always full of intense coldness, her eyes were fixed on one place without moving, as if Yun Qian was standing there, she said word by word: "Although I was favored by your father and king before, but in the end It's just a side concubine, although she is the master, she can only be regarded as half the master. But you are different, you are the daughter of your father and the king, and you are the serious master in the palace."

Chu Tianqi gritted her teeth and said: "What's the use of being a serious master, you can only be regarded as a concubine daughter."

"I'm not afraid of this." Lu Zhu slowly withdrew his gaze, and said softly: "That bastard Bai Jingshu hurt her roots when she gave birth to Chu Yuanzhou in the early years, and she only gave birth to Chu Yuanzhou, and she has nothing to do with her. Not too much, you have been weak since childhood, your father cares more about you than ordinary sisters, plus my Qier is the smartest woman in the world, how could his father not like you ?”

Chu Tianqi knew that what Lu Zhu said was reasonable, but after seeing what King Chu had done to Lu Zhu, she felt a little chilled after all. She looked at Lu Zhu and said, "Mother, the favor of the king is important, but now my mother is gone. I have fallen out of favor, and I have reached the age of marriage, and now the concubine and Yun Qian are in power, how can you just let me go like this?"

Lu Zhu's eyes became more determined, she looked at Chu Tianqi and said, "You don't have to worry too much, I thought of this earlier, I mentioned your marriage in front of the prince before, and the prince favored it." Find a good family for you, the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion in the capital is good. After the end of spring, try to go to your father's side to mention it. This marriage is likely to be successful. Besides, your sister married into An Guogong In the mansion, she will also take care of your affairs, so you should first find a way to settle your marriage during these days, and nothing else is important."

(End of this chapter)

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