Chapter 1250
Chu Tianqi gently wiped her tears and said: "Qi'er has not been by mother's side since she was a child. She has been looking forward to returning to the palace to serve mother when she is 14 years old. Now that she is finally back, mother But my father was driven to another courtyard by my father, Qi'er was very sad."

When Lu Zhu heard Chu Tianqi speak like this, he felt extremely uncomfortable. This was supposed to be a matter of mother and daughter crying, but Lu Zhu did not cry. Instead, he said sharply to Chu Tianqi: "Qi'er, remember If you live with your mother, don’t cry at every turn, only cry for things that should be cried, for a woman who doesn’t cry often, tears are the best weapon.”

Chu Tianqi wiped away her tears and said, "Qi'er has remembered what mother said."

The mother and daughter spoke, Chu Tianyou walked in with a cold face, Lu Zhu said softly: "Your, after being your mother and the other courtyard, you can't be arrogant, calm down on weekdays, but don't get involved in the woman's back house dispute .”

Chu Tianyou nodded lightly, but asked: "Mother, you go to another courtyard to stay for a while, so you don't have to worry about our brothers and sisters."

Lu Zhu felt a little comforted when she heard Chu Tianyou's words, and she said slowly: "If you can think like this, you will be very happy as a mother."

But there was a trace of resentment in Chu Tianyou's eyes. Chu Tianyou knew Lu Zhu's temperament very well. He never gave up easily. This time, he fell into Yun Qian's hands, and sooner or later he would try to turn around again.

Lu Zhu gently held Chu Tianqi and Chu Tianyou's hands together and said, "You brothers and sisters must be of the same mind, and don't be used by those with ulterior motives."

The two nodded slightly, Lu Zhu's eyes narrowed into a line, she said unhurriedly: "I will leave tomorrow, and I will come back one day!"

Her words were very firm, but this time the matter has come to this point, she also knows that it is not easy for her to return to the palace, but she firmly believes that she will find a way to come back.

Chu Tianyou saw Lu Zhu's appearance from the side, and his eyes were a little unwilling. He thought that he might not be Chu Yuanzhou's opponent in martial arts, but his talent and ability were not inferior to Chu Yuanzhou's at all, but everything he possessed There is a huge contrast with everything that Chu Yuanzhou has.

The biggest difference is that he was not born to Princess Chu.

He has also been working hard on some things over the years, and he wants to use facts to prove that he is no worse than Chu Yuanzhou.

Thinking of this, Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of murderous intent, and those bureaus were already in motion. Although the time is not yet ripe, there is still a chance, but he thinks that he will wait until that day, and let the whole world fight for him. Look sideways!

The king of Chu heard the commotion outside the room, and there was a bit of anger in his eyes. He raised his foot and wanted to go out, but when he reached the door, he retracted his foot and sighed softly.

The attendant beside him asked softly: "Won't the lord go out and have a look?"

"It's nothing to look at." The King of Chu said softly, "Yun Qian has always acted arrogantly, and this matter was originally Lu Zhu's fault. I have to ask a few more questions."

The attendant was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of the King of Chu, and felt that these words did not seem to be something the King of Chu could say.

It's just that he is also smart, knowing that the root cause of King Chu's refusal to go out is probably because of Princess Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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