Chapter 125 Love has moved
Shuxiu hurriedly asked: "Is there something wrong with Miss San?"

Huanyu shook her head and said: "As soon as she hanged the beam, the second concubine went in and rescued her. In my opinion, this matter is probably a bitter trick played by the second concubine and the third lady, otherwise how could it be so coincidental to be killed?" Save it."

Yun Qian's eyes deepened and said: "Crying, making trouble, and hanging herself, Second Aunt really knows these things about women well, and this play is really good."

Huanyu asked curiously: "Miss Wu, after you say this, will the master send Miss San to the nunnery?"

"Probably not." Yun Qian said lightly: "Father is a person with a good face. What he said yesterday was just for me to hear. If he really sent his daughter who was not out of the court to the nunnery, father would lose I'm sorry for that face."

Master Yun's thoughts are extremely deep, but also mean, if he says that the one who wants to marry her is not Chu Yuanzhou, everything will change.

Huanyu nodded slightly, and Shuxiu said worriedly: "If so, I'm afraid Second Aunt and Third Miss will hate Fifth Miss even more."

Yun Qian said faintly: "Let him go, they hated me to the core. I just have to do my best, Shuxiu, you will send me some bird's nests to Third Sister later."

Huanyu pursed her mouth when she heard the words, "Be careful that she eats a rotten stomach!"

Yunqian and Shuxiu both laughed when they heard this.

As Yun Qian said, because of this trouble, and because Yun Jingyan had just been promoted to the right chancellor, he didn't want to lose face, and then Yun Qian approached someone who was good enough to beg for mercy, Yun Jingyan secretly praised Yun Qian as well. The clever one came at the right time, so he ordered people to beat Yunyan twenty boards, and then restrained Yunyan's feet. Without his permission, no one can release Yunyan.

Although this punishment is heavy, Yun Yan finally does not need to go to the nunnery.

Yun Jingyan was also considered trustworthy, so he sent Yun Qian's birth date to Chu Palace on the same day.

It's just that there was no news from the Prince Chu's mansion, just like when Yun Yan's birthday was sent there, for several days.

Yun Qian's eyes were deep, what game did Chu Yuanzhou want to play with her?
Ye Wuyan told Ye Wuchen about the fact that Zhong Shan Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou were in the same room that night, and explained the matter emphatically, making Yunqian extremely boring, how unwilling Chu Yuanzhou was. Unwilling to follow Yun Qian into the house.

Ye Wuchen and Chu Yuanzhou didn't get along very well, and the two had disliked each other since they were young, so the sons of famous families in the entire capital went to participate in Mingzhongshan's flower viewing event, but he didn't go.

Hearing that Yunqian did such a thing at this time, he was so angry that he scolded Yunqian for being too shameless, and also scolded Chu Yuanzhou for being indecent. He knew that Yunqian was engaged to him, but he still wanted to go Marry Yunqian.

Ye Wuchen's eyes were suddenly full of anger, even though he and Yunqian had a marriage contract before, at this time Chu Yuanzhou came to propose marriage, Yunqian was willing to marry him!
Ye Wuchen was even more annoyed in his heart. Could it be that he is the most dignified prince in the capital, not as good as that prodigal Chu Yuanzhou?Although Chu Yuanzhou was able to inherit the title of the Duke of Chu's mansion and had made good achievements, but in Ye Wuchen's eyes, Chu Yuanzhou's character was extremely poor, and he was very unwilling to lose to Chu Yuanzhou.

Ye Wuyan said angrily: "That bitch Yunqian, it's fine if he's crazy and stupid, and he's extremely disrespectful, and he actually went to seduce Brother Yuan, it's really shameless. Brother Yuan is really serious, and he fell in love with Yunqian That bitch did it!"

(End of this chapter)

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