Chapter 126 Why Are You Tempted?

Madam Ye said from the side: "Chen'er, Yun Qian is not good enough for you at all. Fortunately, the Yun family did not agree to your marriage at that time. Otherwise, if I marry her in, I'm afraid I will lose ten years of life."

When she saw Yunqian dealing with Su Qiaohui that day, she still felt relieved, but after seeing Yunqian's series of actions, she hated it from the bottom of her heart. Yunqian like this is really unlikable.

This time, he was actually living in the same room with the prince of Chu in front of so many people. He simply had no morals!
No matter what, she would never let Ye Wuchen marry Yun Qian into her family!
Ye Wuchen said indifferently: "I have my own discretion in this matter, so mother doesn't have to worry about me."

As soon as Mrs. Ye heard what he said, she knew that he still couldn't let go of Yun Qian, and immediately said angrily: "What's so good about that Yun Qian that you can't let go of it?"

Ye Wuchen's eyes were deep, if he were to say that Yun Qian was good, he really wouldn't know what was so good about her, but he fell in love with her for some reason.

And this kind of care is different from the previous vain obedience, he feels that he is really moved.

It's just that he can't explain this kind of thought clearly to others, and even in his own heart, he has a three-pointed disdain for himself.

Madam Ye was even more annoyed when she saw that he didn't answer, but she said: "The Ye Mansion has gone too far this time, one daughter and two husbands are really shameless!"

Just thinking about it carefully, Yun Qian was not willing to marry Ye Wuchen that day, but now it seems that Yun Qian is very scheming, she would not want to step on Ye Wuchen's position as the former concubine Bar?
When Mrs. Ye thought about it, she became even more angry. She could be beaten by Yunqian, and could be scolded by Yunqian, but Yunqian could never humiliate her son or take advantage of her son. She would never tolerate it anyway.

Ye Wuchen didn't speak, his eyes were full of deep brilliance.

Mrs. Ye thought for a while, then sighed again: "Yesterday your father came back and said that the Holy Majesty has promoted Master Yun to be the right minister, and from now on, you and your father will be ranked at the top of the hundred officials. Yefu and Yunfu are married. It is really a great thing, those betrothal gifts might as well not be taken back, there are still so many ladies in Yunfu, why don't you choose one of them!"

Ye Wuchen responded lightly, but was noncommittal, then turned his head and left.

Ye Wuchen's appearance made Mrs. Ye very angry.

When Yunqian greeted the old lady the next day, the old lady smiled when she saw her come in: "Since I drank the tea made by Wu Yatou last time, I can't drink the tea made by other people. Come on, come on, Fifth girl, sit beside grandma."

Yun Qian said with a smile: "If grandma likes it, I would like to make tea for grandma every day."

Mother Lu had already prepared everything for making tea, and immediately brought the things over with a smile.

The old lady was usually very indifferent to people, but this way of treating Yun Qian immediately attracted the envy of other concubine girls, and even Yun Yan's eyes were a little displeased.

After she was taunted by Chu Yuanzhou yesterday, she felt even more unwilling. No matter in appearance or talent, she was far above Yun Qian. Why did Chu Yuanzhou say that about her?
She turned her head and took a look at Yunqian, only to see that Yunqian was wearing a light yellow long dress today, which made her skin white and tender, which was very different from the woman who had a black nose and a swollen face from blowing Yunyan a month ago.

(End of this chapter)

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