Chapter 1252 The Prestige of the Princess
Chu Tianqi was about to explode, Lu Zhu pulled Chu Tianqi back, and then forced out a smile and said, "Thank you, Princess, for giving me the book. After I go to the other courtyard, I will definitely write scriptures for Princess Wang every day."

Yi Lan took a look at Lu Zhu and said: "After Concubine Lu Fang leaves, the servants will send people to fetch scriptures on the first and fifteenth day of every month. Concubine Lu Fang should not disappoint Wang Fei."

It was decided to fetch scriptures on the first and fifteenth day of the new year, and Lu Zhu would not be able to steal even a little bit of laziness in the future. There are so many scriptures, even if he transcribes without sleep every day, he may not be able to practice them ten times.

Although Lu Zhu was very annoyed in his heart, he didn't explode, instead he got on the carriage very calmly.

When Yunqian heard the maid came to report this matter in the yard, her eyes darkened, knowing that this time Lu Zhu had successfully aroused Princess Chu's anger, and Lu Zhu's life might not be the same in the future. better off.

With Princess Chu tormenting Lu Zhu carefully, she can rest easy.

She had seen earlier that Princess Chu was actually capable, but she didn't bother to do many things.

The next few days were quite calm, but there was an extra rule in the Chu Palace, or in other words, the rule existed originally, but no one changed it before.

After Lu Zhu left the Chu Palace in a dilapidated carriage, the morning mistake resolution that the Chu Palace had not implemented for many years finally started to be implemented again.

Although Princess Chu doesn't like her aunts and concubines saluting to her very much, she already knows that this is the best time to be a mistress.

Because of Lu Zhu's incident, everyone in the palace also saw that the servants in her room were beaten to death. Although there are two versions, one version says it was done by Yun Qian, and the other version says it was Princess Chu made.

But everyone in the palace would like to believe that Princess Chu did this, because they clearly saw Princess Chu standing in front of the execution room that night.

They didn't pay much attention to Princess Chu before, but now Princess Chu's actions are thunderous.

Therefore, when Princess Chu sent someone to inform everyone that they would wake up in the morning and evening, most of them were a little nervous.Over the years, many sons and daughters in the palace secretly agreed with Lu Zhu and trampled on Princess Chu.

They were a little worried that Princess Chu would settle accounts with everyone. Although Princess Chu's room was full of people, it was surprisingly quiet. They could even hear the sound of an embroidery needle falling on the ground.

The quieter it was, the more dignified the atmosphere was, and no one dared to breathe out.

Princess Chu's eyes were quiet, she cocked her little finger and took a sip of tea, then slowly covered the tea lid. Originally, the sound of the tea lid was not too loud, but everyone felt that the sound seemed to come from the apex of everyone's heart It's the same as rolling up.

When Yun Qian saw the appearance of those people, she felt a little amused, but she looked at her nose and heart very calmly, and drank her tea unhurriedly.

Princess Chu put down the teacup slowly, and finally said calmly: "Is everyone here?"

Her voice was very soft, soft, yet somewhat dignified. As soon as she said those words, the people in the room breathed a sigh of relief, but no one in the room dared to look down on her anymore. This time Everyone has seen her methods, not to mention there is a very powerful Yun Qian beside her.

Yilan said softly: "If you go back to the princess, everything is here."

(End of this chapter)

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