Chapter 1253
Concubine Chu nodded slightly, and then said unhurriedly: "Let everyone come today, I have a few things to say, the first thing is to recover in the morning and evening, my concubine was unwell earlier, so I will I saved this matter, originally I wanted to wait for a while before calling everyone to discuss the matter, but recently some people with ulterior motives in the palace designed to harm my concubine. The reason is that my concubine is usually too mild-tempered, so some people think that this concubine is easy to handle."

As soon as she finished speaking, most people began to express their loyalty.

Concubine Chu listened quietly, and after the audience had finished speaking, she said unhurriedly: "I have heard a lot of good things over the years, but in my opinion, those people are just saying what they say. One thing, and another thing behind the scenes, so I don't want to hear those famous words, but see how everyone does things."

As soon as she said this, the surroundings fell silent again.

Concubine Chu took another sip of tea unhurriedly, and then glanced at everyone. Her gaze was not cold, but it made everyone feel scared.

Princess Chu then slowly said: "You don't have to worry, the previous things are over, I will not care about you any more, but you'd better have a good idea of ​​what to do in the future, otherwise If anything happens in the future, don't blame this concubine for being ruthless!"

Seeing Princess Chu's acting style, Yun Qian clearly did not lose to the concubines in the palace. She was dignified and generous, but her every word was cruel.

She suddenly understood why Chu Yuanzhou was so good since he was a child, and with such a powerful old lady beside him pointing him out, she didn't even think she was good.

Everyone hurriedly responded after hearing Princess Chu's words, but this time they didn't dare to say any nice words.

Princess Chu's face softened a little, and then she said slowly: "Another thing is that from today on, this concubine will officially hand over the power of the concubine to the concubine. Anyone who disobeys the concubine is disobeying this concubine!"

Yun Qian didn't expect Princess Chu to mention this matter suddenly, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but still said softly: "Concubine Mother..."

Princess Chu interrupted her and said: "You don't need to refuse, this matter is settled like this."

Hearing this, Yunqian glanced at Princess Chu, but seeing her firm eyes, Yunqian knew it in her heart, so she had no choice but to respond.

Princess Chu turned her head to look at the aunts and concubines and asked, "Do you have any opinions?"

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Zhu was defeated by Princess Chu, and they were no match for Princess Chu, and immediately said respectfully: "Obey."

Among the crowd, only Chu Tianyou and Chu Tianqi sat there without moving. Both of them felt uncomfortable. They had never posed like this to others since they were young.

Especially Chu Tianyou, all these years, he only saw people flirting in front of Lu Zhu, so why was it his turn to be so humble to anyone?

Chu Tianyou knew very well in his heart that the root cause of this situation was that Yun Qian married into the Chu Palace.

He used to think that no matter how capable Yunqian was, she was just playing around in the Prince Chu's mansion, and she couldn't make any waves at all.

But Yun Qian was stunned and changed the palace completely!

There was a trace of resentment in his eyes, and he looked straight at Yunqian.

(End of this chapter)

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