Chapter 1283 Selfishness in the World
"Jade can't be crafted without cutting it." The emperor said with some fatigue in his eyes, resting his head on one hand: "Today, he clearly knows who did this thing, but he still doesn't say it clearly. Although he cares about the brotherhood, he seems to be a bit weak , although you can't pay attention to affection before state affairs, but as a father, I still feel very relieved that he has been in Ningde for so long, and he has not learned the matter of brother-in-law like the other princes."

After hearing what the emperor said, Eunuch Zhu knew that the emperor knew all these things in his heart, so he said cautiously: "Isn't your majesty afraid that Prince Jing will have resentment in his heart?"

"I see, if he has such thoughts, it will be a waste of all my painstaking efforts." The emperor said slowly.

Although he punished Chu Yi, he did not cut Chu Yi's rights, and what happened yesterday will eventually punish people, so now he can only punish Chu Yi.

Eunuch Zhu said softly: "The emperor really has good intentions for Prince Jing."

The emperor leaned his back on the big chair, sighed softly and said, "I hope he can know what I think about him."

Eunuch Zhu bowed and said: "Prince Jing is very talented. Although his face is a bit cold, he has a kind heart and is also very smart. In just one day, he found out this matter. This servant really admires him." .”

The emperor's eyes deepened and he said: "He was able to find out these things within a day, which means that he knew about this matter earlier, but he didn't know how to stop it. This is what he needs to learn. Chu wished that rebellious son could not become a talent, the third child was too scheming, the fourth child was cruel, the fifth child was a bit weak, the sixth child was a lazy person, and the seventh child only knew how to run behind the third child's ass, my prince Although there are many of them, and they are all excellent, but I am even more worried because of this. This country of mine can only be inherited by those who have means, are strong and honest, are friendly to brothers, and act well."

It was difficult for Eunuch Zhu to hear the emperor say these words. Seeing the emperor's face at this time, he was a little tired. He knew that the matter of Chu Yuan a few days ago had hit the emperor even more. The princes have not been calm for the past few months. The emperor watched I was a little annoyed in my heart. As an emperor, I can manage the world well, but such housework makes people worry.

In front of the world, the emperor can handle things from the overall perspective of being cold-blooded and ruthless, but when it comes to those details, he is still a father after all. As long as he is a father, then the thoughts of fathers in the world will not be too different.

The ten fingers have different lengths, and the thickness of the palms and backs of the hands is also different. For the emperor, after all, he has a partiality for some princes in his heart.

In Zhu Gonggong’s view, the emperor seemed to have a lot of considerations for Chu Yi when he said it in front of him. In fact, Chu Yi had a lot of suspicion in his heart. It was also Chu Yi who was smart and took care of all these things properly. Otherwise, the emperor would have to drive back to Ningde again just for that moment.

Eunuch Zhu bowed and said: "Your Majesty has worked so hard, all the princes will know about it, and the second prince will also be grateful for the great kindness of the emperor!"

"I hope!" The emperor said weakly.

Seeing the emperor's appearance, Eunuch Zhu knew that he couldn't speak any more, so he persuaded him immediately: "If the emperor is tired of talking, please go back to your room to rest."

The emperor shook his head wearily and said, "No need, I still have a lot of state affairs to deal with."

(End of this chapter)

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