Chapter 1284
Hearing what the emperor said, Eunuch Zhu couldn't persuade him any more, so he began to grind ink for the emperor. He suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "Yesterday, the son of the king of Chu and the concubine of the son of the prince did a great job in saving them. I don't know how the emperor plans to reward them." she?"

The emperor thought for a while and said: "That is a courageous and magnanimous woman. If I hadn't had her yesterday, I'm afraid I would have died. I owe her a life, so I will pay her back!"

Eunuch Zhu was stunned for a moment and said, "Your Majesty..."

The emperor waved his hand lightly, signaling to Eunuch Zhu not to say too much.

The emperor's heart is like a mirror. After Chu Yi said those things, it is already very clear who else in the court will participate in this matter.

Chu Yuan is the eldest son of the emperor, and his status is originally more noble than other princes.Therefore, there are several princes attached to him, among which the fourth prince Chu Shu is the most typical.

The emperor has always had an indescribable feeling for Chu Shu, the son. Among the many princes, Chu Shu's talent and learning are not outstanding, and his martial arts is not outstanding, but he has an ability that others do not have, that is, making machines.

Chu Shu liked to make all kinds of machines since he was a child, and he could make all kinds of things with wood and metal.

Although Chu Shu has never pleaded for Chu Yuan in front of him, in his opinion, Chu Shu has some feelings for Chu Yuan, and this time he just kept silent for self-protection.

It's just that Chu Shu was a bit too courageous, and he actually came to assassinate him in order to defend Chu Yuan. The emperor could not tolerate such a thing.In the emperor's heart, there was actually a consideration. Chu Shu's ability to make machines was superb, and in the future Da Zhou would need him to make some machines for attacking cities and land.

The emperor glanced at the piece of wood on the table, feeling extremely uncomfortable for a moment.

In the evening, the holy attainment was spread to the Prince Chu's mansion, and the emperor praised both Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou, and rewarded him with a thousand taels of silver, a hundred taels of gold, some jewels, and a gold medal for avoiding death.

Those other things are just common, but the gold medal for avoiding death is extremely rare. The emperor of this dynasty is wise, and he is very benevolent to the ministers of the court, but he is also strict. Anyone who violates the criminal law will not be lightly forgiven.

Since the emperor came to the throne, no one has been given a gold medal for avoiding death.

Yun Qian didn't know about these details, and when she heard Chu Yuanzhou explain the function of the death-prevention gold medal, she was stunned for a moment. What Chu Yuanzhou said was: "This death-prevention gold medal can not only save one's life In addition, you can freely enter and leave the palace with this gold medal, and then the court ministers, no matter who they are, must salute when they see this gold medal."

Yun Qian asked curiously, "Isn't this the gold medal for avoiding death? How come it looks like Shang Fang's sword?"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "That's right, in this dynasty, the function of this gold medal is second only to Shangfang's sword, but it can't be used to kill people. Qianqian, the emperor's heart is really dark!"

Yun Qian also felt that the emperor's heart was very dark. This gold medal seemed to be a great favor, but it was a temptation from the emperor. If anything happened to her with this gold medal, the emperor would be the first to ask for it. her life.

When she saved the emperor yesterday, she did save a gold medal for avoiding death, but she didn't expect that Ben Jin's gold medal for avoiding death was much more useful than what she knew, so she thought it was not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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