Chapter 1285
It's just that Yun Qian's temperament has always been open to thinking, so she blinked her eyes and said to Chu Yuanzhou: "If you dare to blame me in the future, I will have this gold medal to deal with you! Let's see if you dare to be arrogant!"

Chu Yuanzhou held his head in both hands, but said with a smile: "I'm so scared!"

Yun Qian reached out to pinch his ear, but he was not willing to give in, and the two of them immediately had a fuss in the room.

At this moment, there was a coughing sound, Yunqian turned her head, and saw Chu Wanghan standing at the door with a face, Chu Yuanzhou frowned and said: "Please knock on the door next time, my father, It's not polite at all!"

King Chu’s eyes slanted. He didn’t attend Chu Yi’s big wedding yesterday because he had something to do. He only found out that something happened during Chu Yi’s big wedding when he returned to the capital today. He said coldly: “Don’t get carried away here. Your Majesty never takes it easy. The gold medal for rewarding people from death, if you get it now, it may not be a good thing, from now on, you will be a man with your tail between your legs, if anyone dares to do something wrong, don't blame me for not being able to tolerate him in the Chu Palace!"

Yunqian knew that King Chu's words were aimed at her, so she smiled immediately and didn't take it seriously.

She didn't take it seriously, and Chu Yuanzhou naturally took King Chu's words as fart, and smiled immediately: "Who cares that the Prince Chu's mansion can accommodate it! In the palace, people are almost suffocated to death."

As soon as Chu Yuanzhou finished speaking, as if the king of Chu was not there, he laughed and pulled Yunqian to the back room.

The King of Chu was very angry, and immediately said angrily: "Chu Yuanzhou, stop for me!"

Chu Yuanzhou cast a slanted glance at King Chu and said, "Father seems to be a little free recently, do you want to come and quarrel with me again? If you want to quarrel with me, you have to talk about it carefully..."

When the King of Chu saw his appearance, he was very angry, but he didn't give the King of Chu face at all: "Father, even his most beloved woman, Hong Xing, cheated on the father. I can bear it, why do you dislike my daughter-in-law in all kinds of ways? I'm really curious!"

Yunqian heard Chu Yuanzhou talk about Lu Zhu's affairs, and her eyes deepened. Lu Zhu tried his best to deal with her several times. Now, although she lives alone in another courtyard, the person she sent to inquire about the news said that Lu Zhu had recently She was not safe, and when she moved into the other courtyard, she began to clean up the servants in the other courtyard. It was obvious that she regarded the other courtyard of the palace as the way she was raised by the king of Chu before.

King Chu's face darkened immediately.

But Yun Qian said slowly: "Your Majesty, don't contradict your father like this. Speaking of Concubine Lu, I remembered one thing. It is said that the other courtyard of the Chu Palace in the suburbs of Beijing is full of pear trees, and the other courtyards outside Heyun Mansion are full of pear trees. Ten miles of peach blossoms are equally famous, and in spring, there is a special scene, the Yunfu is a red cloud, but the other courtyard of the Wangfu is full of trees and white."

Chu Yuanzhou suddenly rolled his eyes when he heard Yun Qian's words, "Qianqian wants to go to another courtyard to see pear blossoms?"

Yun Qian said with a smile: "Although concubine Lu Fang is at fault, she is the most beloved woman of the father. She has done such unsightly things several times, but the father has not abandoned her. Now the matter has passed for a while , thinking about it, my father misses her a little too. I heard that in the past, the master in the palace would go to the other courtyard to enjoy the pear blossoms when the pear blossoms bloomed. I wonder if the father has this kind of elegance now?"

PS: This year is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Yue Yixi Window wishes all my friends a happy new year!I wish all the relatives a happy new year, a happy family, good luck and good health!
I announced my QQ account yesterday, and I was touched by your enthusiasm. In 2013, I was very happy to have your company. In 2014, I will write better works to give back to you. I hope my works can bring you Come to be happy, and I also hope that you can always be by my side!
On the night of New Year's Eve, how many relatives got lucky money?Let's show it off, let me be jealous!

(End of this chapter)

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