Chapter 1286
King Chu glared at Yun Qian and said, "What do you want to happen?"

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Father is serious. I don't mean to cause trouble. I just think of it and talk about it. If Father thinks it's inappropriate for us to go to other courtyards to appreciate pear blossoms, then We don't go."

But Chu Yuanzhou said aside: "Don't go? Why don't you go? Could it be that because that woman lives in another courtyard, we serious masters can't go to another courtyard? If the father doesn't want to go, you don't have to go. If so If you are afraid that we will kill that woman, go with us."

Hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, the King of Chu seemed unable to go. He didn't blame Chu Yuanzhou for his persistence, but he blamed Yun Qian for being troubled in his heart. If Yun Qian didn't mention it, how could such a thing happen.

He immediately gave Yunqian a hard look. Yunqian knew that the king of Chu didn't like her, so she didn't explain much. She just smiled lightly, her brows and eyes were indifferent.

The King of Chu said in a cold voice: "Don't think that this king doesn't know about the shameful things you did in private, and now you're talking about them in front of me, just to cover up your shameful things. You have always turned a blind eye to your nonsense, if you want to harm Lu Zhu again, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Chu Yuanzhou said with some disdain, but shook the gold medal for avoiding death bestowed by the emperor in front of King Chu, then tilted his head and said, "Although father is an elder, but This gold medal is bestowed by the emperor, seeing this gold medal is like seeing the emperor!"

The king of Chu was very angry, but Chu Yuanzhou said sharply: "Why, is the father impolite? You will be charged with disrespect for this matter!"

The king of Chu said angrily: "Nizi, I am your father, yet you use the emperor to suppress me!"

This bastard Chu Yuanzhou is usually not in the slightest shape. Every time he sees him, he will be pissed off to death. This time, he even used the emperor to suppress him, and even wanted him to salute Yun Qian with a gold medal. Which one do you count?
"No, it's just by the way!" Chu Yuanzhou waved the gold medal foolishly, and then said with a fake smile: "If the father is half like a father, he won't know that the mother and concubine are the only ones who are murdered. He took a breath, and still doted on that woman who was single-minded about harming others."

The King of Chu was speechless immediately, but he was unwilling to salute Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Qian, so he turned his head and left in anger.

Chu Yuanzhou put the gold medal in Yunqian's hand unhurriedly, and then said in a slightly eccentric voice: "Qianqian, you will take this gold medal with you when you go out in the future, who would dare to treat you badly?" You're being polite, just show the gold medal and scare those blind people to death!"

Yunqian heard that the two father and son had quarreled countless times, almost every time Chu Yuanzhou was able to get to the point, and made the King of Chu lose face every time, but even so, the King of Chu would still come to Chu Yuanzhou from time to time After a few quarrels, everyone would almost vomit blood and return home.

Yunqian felt that the King of Chu was really a typical example of abusiveness. After so many years, she had been doing this all the time, and she also felt a little speechless.

The King of Chu naturally knew who Chu Yuanzhou was talking about, and he was so angry that his face was extremely ugly. He snorted coldly and walked away, but Chu Yuanzhou laughed very loudly, with a bit of arrogance.

Yun Qian tugged at his sleeve and said, "It's almost enough."

(End of this chapter)

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