Chapter 1287 Squeezed Through the Door
Chu Yuanzhou said with a bit of coldness in his eyes: "Do you think he is full and has nothing to do? He is a father-in-law and a big man. It's okay if he doesn't understand the reason, but he still acts like an old man all day long." Like a woman in a boudoir, she wants to step on you, and her head must be squeezed by the door."

Yun Qian slightly raised her eyebrows and said, "He didn't like me in the first place, and because I let Lu Zhu leave the palace, he will definitely feel uncomfortable."

Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly and said, "It's in vain for him to see all the wind and rain in the hall, but he can't see clearly the wind and waves at home. His life is in vain."

Yunqian is not good at commenting on the matter of King Chu, but she just thinks that King Chu, Lu Zhu and Princess Chu are really sadistically in love, but she doesn't know who is torturing whom and who is torturing whom.

In an ordinary house with two entrances and two exits in the capital, Chu Shu's face was extremely ugly, and he slapped Yun Chu with a raised hand. The rewarding stool Yuntiao took it out!"

Yun Chu was slapped by Chu Shu, and felt very unhappy. Although Chu Yuan acted too much in the past, he would not beat him. No matter what, he is the eldest son of Yunfu.But King Yun Jing is now the prime minister of the dynasty, and he is highly regarded by the emperor. Chu Shu actually beat him when he said he would beat him!

Yun Chu was upset, but because Chu Shu was the prince, he couldn't do that, so he said slowly, "Banyuntiao is a good thing, but in yesterday's situation, if you don't use Benyuntiao, how can you enter Prince Jing's mansion? At that time, everyone outside was Jingjiwei, and the guards were extremely strict."

The stool cloud jump in their mouths refers to the things made of wooden boards that Chu Yi sent into the imperial study. Although Chu Shu has a deep and vicious mind, he has been very researched on the hidden objects since he was a child. Those stool cloud jumps It was originally a gift he planned to give to the emperor on his birthday. He originally planned to let a few people who can juggle jump on the stool, and then tell the emperor the beauty of these things.

But when Yun Chu came to look for him that day, he saw these things, and Yun Chu showed great interest. Chu Shu didn't want Yun Chu to see those things, so he asked people to keep them, but he couldn't bear Yun Chu's attention. After Chu prayed in every possible way, he finally took out the things and showed them to Yun Chu, and then put away all those stools.

After Yun Chu saw Ben Yuntiao's ability, he naturally liked it extremely in his heart. He always wanted to kill Yun Qian, but he felt that there was no chance.

On that day, Chu Shu said in front of him that Chu Yi had been too comfortable these days, and he planned to make things difficult for Chu Yi.

Yun Qian immediately understood and said that he could arrange this matter.

Although Chu Shu had some doubts about Yun Chu's actions, he also saw that Yun Chu took care of those servants in the former Chu Yuan Mansion submissively, and there were many experts among those people.

So Chu Shu agreed to Yun Chu's arrangement. In fact, in Chu Shu's heart, he also had his own plans.

He felt that no matter whether the matter with Yun Chu was successful or not, he would not be affected. If the matter failed, Yun Chu could be pushed out, and he himself could get clean from this matter.

It's just that he and Yun Chu had a rough discussion about the matter, and both of them felt that it would be most effective to have things happen on the day of Chu Yi's wedding, so they made what they thought was a meticulous and appropriate arrangement. Chu Shu's goal was Chu Yijing The power of a few guards.

(End of this chapter)

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