Chapter 1288
After the matter was settled, Chu Shu didn't see Yun Chu for several days in order to avoid suspicion.

Yun Chu is not stupid either, he hasn't seen Chu Shu for a long time, and he can vaguely guess Chu Shu's thoughts in his heart, so he spent a lot of effort to steal a stool made by Chu Shu, and then find it. A skilled craftsman made dozens of stool cloud jumps.

Then they sent someone to put some of the stools on the roof of Chu Yi's mansion while Chu Yi was not in the mansion.

With these preparations, Yun Chu gathered all the dead men that Chu Yuan had bought before, and said in front of them that Chu Yuan was harmed by Yun Qian at all, and asked them to kill Yun Qian no matter what.

After those dead soldiers got Yun Chu's arrangement, although they felt that Chu Yuan's matter had something to do with Yun Qian, they couldn't figure it out, but Yun Chu's eloquence was not bad, and he was good at making up stories. The dead man believed his words and wanted to kill Yun Qian on the day of Chu Yi's wedding to avenge Chu Yuan.

It's just that Yun Chu obviously thought things too simply, as long as Chu Yuanzhou was there, it would definitely not be possible to succeed.His behavior is quite a bit of public revenge.

Chu Shu said angrily: "How many times have I told you that we only need to prove that Chu Yi is not suitable to be the guard of Jingjiwei at all, and that there is no way to find out the murderous intentions in the city, let them To assassinate. Yunchu, are you a pig?"

Yun Chu was also a little annoyed because the incident this time didn't work out, and said with some displeasure at the moment: "Since the third prince is so powerful and capable, why don't you do it yourself?"

Hearing Yun Chu's words, Chu Shu wished to kill Yun Chu with one blow, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yun Chu, don't think I don't know, your real purpose this time is to kill Yun Qian!"

He had seen before that Yun Chu was still loyal to Chu Yuan, and although his behavior was not safe, it would not be too outrageous, but this time he made such a thing for him, it really pissed him off.

"That's right." Seeing that his real purpose was discovered by Chu Shu, Yun Chu didn't hide it, and immediately said unhurriedly: "I just want to kill Yunqian, and you just asked me to make something to prove that Prince Jing is not in Beijing." With the talents of several guards, there is nothing wrong with sending someone to kill Yunqian, anyway, the final purpose is the same."

Chu Shu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. He was unlucky to meet Yun Chu, who was the best. If he didn't want to use Yun Chu to take the blame, he would have killed Yun Chu right now.

Chu Shu sneered and said, "You really know what public revenge is, but you dare to use it even the prince!"

Yun Chu took a look at Chu Shu and said, "I don't have the guts to take advantage of the fourth prince, but I just think it's an opportunity. Killing anyone is not killing. Besides, didn't the fourth prince have his own selfish motives when he asked me to do this matter? You want to pick everything up clean, if nothing happens, you sit back and enjoy it, and if something happens, you can push it on me. The fourth prince is really a good idea. I just used your stool to jump, There seems to be nothing wrong, at least we can advance and retreat together in the future."

When Chu Shu heard what Yun Chu said, he knew that Yun Chu had seen through his mind, and the chill in his eyes deepened, but Yun Chu said again: "I am on the same front with the fourth prince now, if I If something happens, the Fourth Prince will definitely not be able to get away with it."

(End of this chapter)

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