Chapter 1303

Tian Po's words were both kind and powerful, and the women all nodded in agreement.

Tian Po asked those women to find some turf to cover the place where they buried things just now, so that no trace could be seen.

After finishing everything, Tian Po let those women go, Tian Po lit the lantern and walked unhurriedly towards the Buddhist hall.

Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian walked under the tree, Yunqian wanted to go forward, but Chu Yuanzhou pulled her back and said, "I can't go."

Yunqian's eyes were a little puzzled, and Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of murderous intent: "I'll tell you the reason later, let's follow that woman first and see what kind of trouble she's going to make."

The reason why Yunqian pulled Chu Yuanzhou out in the middle of the night tonight was because she hadn't seen Lu Zhu today. She fought Lu Zhu a few times, and she roughly felt Lu Zhu's style.

Lu Zhu has always been careful in his actions. After suffering a big loss at her hands last time, he will only be more careful in his actions. Although the other courtyard is Lu Zhu's place, but she came here on a whim, Lu Zhu must not be too cautious. Thorough layout and planning.

Yun Qian will live in another courtyard for a few days, so following Lu Zhu's actions, she will definitely have an attack before she leaves, and there must be extremely vicious preparations and arrangements before Lu Zhu's attack.

Tonight, Lu Zhu will definitely take action.

Yunqian pulled Chu Yuanzhou out, not simply to enjoy pear blossoms on a moonlit night, but to see what Lu Zhu would arrange.

In fact, she came out in the middle of the night out of half-romantic and half-spying thoughts. After all, she had never walked out on such a moonlit night with others. It would be great if she could bump into something. The boat night tour is also very good.

And Chu Yuanzhou has always let her do small things. She said that she wanted to enjoy the pear blossoms in the middle of the night, and he naturally would not refuse. stand up.

Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's solemn tone at this time, she also had a bit of worry in her eyes. Chu Yuanzhou carried her on his back, and then quickly led Yun Qian across the flower path.

His lightness kung fu is very good, he has already followed behind Tian Po, he originally wanted to slap Tian Po unconscious, but after thinking about it, he backed away.

After seeing his actions, Yunqian sighed inaudibly. Tian Po heard the sigh and turned her head very quickly, but naturally she couldn't see anything.

Tian Po looked around suspiciously, and then lightly knocked on Lu Zhu's door.

Chu Yuanzhou led Yun Qian out from behind the flower tree, the two looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths raised slightly, he half-embraced Yun Qian and floated lightly to the side of the Buddhist hall.

Chu Yuanzhou was obviously very familiar with this place, so he stretched out his hand and gently pulled the fence around, and his body flew up to the attic of the Buddhist hall.

The oil lamp in the room was on, and both Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou could see Tian Po standing beside Lu Zhu, Tian Po said softly, "Concubine Lu Side, everything has been arranged."

Lu Zhu nodded lightly, took out a large stack of banknotes from his hand and said to Po Tian, ​​"Take it to take care of tomorrow's affairs, don't make any mistakes in the middle, tomorrow I will not only want Yunqian's life, but I will also kill you." Your lord's favor, do you know?"

Tian Po responded, but stood there without moving, Lu Zhu frowned and asked: "What else?"

(End of this chapter)

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