Chapter 1304
"I'm a little worried, what will happen if things fail?" Tian Po asked with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Lu Zhu's eyes became more murderous, and he said in an extremely gloomy voice: "This matter can only be successful but not failed, and you have no turning back now. If you succeed, you will be like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate. If you are disappointed..."

Lu Zhu said sadly: "Then on the way to the underworld, you can accompany me!"

Tian Po was shocked when she saw her appearance, but she didn't dare to say anything more, she bowed her head and left.

Chu Yuanzhou really hated seeing Lu Zhu's appearance. He wished he could chop Lu Zhu up with one knife, but felt that chopping her up like this would be too cheap for her.

His eyes rolled around, and he whispered a few words in Yunqian's ear, Yunqian was stunned for a moment, but nodded, he turned and left, but came back soon.

Lu Zhu was about to turn off the lights, but before he approached, the oil lamps in the windless room suddenly went out. She was stunned for a moment, only to feel a pair of Wushuang cold hands touch her face, she was shocked immediately, and she still Before she could react, she greeted her face with a slap.

She was startled, and when she turned her head, she saw a woman with loose long hair and a white dress hanging in mid-air. She was so frightened that she sat down on the ground and exclaimed, "Ghost!"

She reacted extremely quickly and began to chant "Namo Amitabha, Amitabha..." A cold voice came from above: "You want to kill someone in the Buddhist hall, do you think the Buddha will protect you?"

Lu Zhu was terrified when he heard the words, the voice was extremely cold, as if it came out of the ground.

She has always been smart, because she has a lot of lives in her hands, she didn't believe in the theory of gods and Buddhas earlier, but when she had more lives in her hands, she felt a little guilty.

In addition, last winter when she killed those robbers in the green forest in the mine under Yushi Mountain, the tragic scene of the flower girl's death often appeared in her mind. There were several nights when she was awakened by nightmares.

But those nightmares became more and more terrifying. The blood rushing towards her face was full of evil smells, almost drowning her.

After Lu Zhu had that kind of nightmare, she had it more and more often, and she became more and more restless these days, which also had something to do with it.

At this time, she saw the woman floating in mid-air, with a pale light on her body. She was already trembling with fright, and said inarticulately: "Who are you? I... I don't know you... It's wrong You have a debtor, go find the person who killed you!"

The woman sneered: "Lu Zhu, I really don't know me? You pushed me into the water that day, but now you have forgotten all about it?"

When Lu Zhu first entered the palace, Princess Chu would stay in the palace for all the concubines who gave birth to the king of Chu. Although the status of those women was low, the king of Chu would occasionally spend the night in their rooms. For Zhu, it was an unbearable thing. Back then, there were a few people with outstanding looks who were killed by Lu Zhu in various ways.

Those methods include using poison, including falling into the water, and including all kinds of mistakes.

At this moment when Lu Zhu heard such words, he felt guilty, and boldly looked at the woman hanging in mid-air. At this time, the light in the room was dim, and he could not see much brilliance, only the A somewhat pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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