Chapter 1321
When Lu Zhu moved lightly, Yun Qian felt that she was really an expert in dancing, and she knew that she had practiced thousands of times with that set of fingerings.

Seeing Lu Zhu's appearance, Yun Qian was a little curious. When did Lu Zhu usually practice dancing? He thought he had practiced countless times to dance this pendulum in front of the King of Chu today.

She glanced at the tree unconsciously, feeling something was wrong in her heart.

Lu Zhu has already started to dance at this time, her posture is extremely graceful, this dance is a very graceful dance, just as soon as she dances, King Chu froze there, that dance was obviously the first time he saw Princess Chu. That dance I did once.

The only difference is that Princess Chu danced this dance in a spring flower field that day, but today, Lu Zhu danced in a pear blossom forest. Both of them have the same beautiful background. , while the other pair is eye-catching white.

The King of Chu originally thought that it would be impossible for him to see this dance again in his life, but seeing him at this moment, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He stood there without moving, but his eyes were full of deepness. He only felt that the two pictures overlapped before his eyes, which made his heart messed up.

Seeing that Princess Chu's complexion was not very good, Yun Qian asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"This is the dance I danced in the flower field back then." Princess Chu said softly.

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, Princess Chu said again: "After I skipped that one time, I never skipped it again. I really don't know where she learned it from."

There was a hint of worry in Yunqian's eyes. Lu Zhu's scheming is really amazing. Something will happen today, so she wants to see what Lu Zhu will sing.

Lu Zhu is dressed in plain clothes and dances like this, she is as clear as a fairy, even though she is old, but she is well maintained and her body is extremely clear.

She jumped and jumped to jump under the pear tree.

Princess Chu remembered that when she danced this dance back then, there was a person jumping into the flying fairy at this time, which was the most difficult movement.

As soon as Yunqian saw Lu Zhu jumping there, her heart tensed for no reason. Countless guesses flashed through her mind, she just felt that all of this was preparation for something.

Seeing that Lu Zhu's body swayed, he had already soared into the air, but instead of running backwards like Princess Chu expected, she ran forward. She came down so fast that Princess Chu subconsciously dodged, At the same time, he pushed forward unconsciously.

Princess Chu's pile pushed onto Lu Zhu's body. It was only a light touch at first, but Lu Zhu's body fell backward very quickly.

Yun Qianan couldn't help but pull Princess Chu to one side, only to see Lu Zhu's body fell heavily on the ground. At the moment when he fell to the ground, the underground soil suddenly exploded, blowing Lu Zhu to the ground. , Her body was hit by the flying soil, and many places were scratched and bloody in an instant.

Even the king of Chu, who had a lot of experience in dealing with the enemy, was a little surprised by such a change. He said in shock, "Zhu'er!"

He almost ran towards her after shouting.

Princess Chu and Yunqian were also splashed by the mud. Princess Chu didn't quite understand what happened, but Yunqian already understood.Earlier, Chu Yuanzhou told her that the things buried here were terrible, and she kept thinking that Lu Zhu would definitely find an opportunity for her to bump into them.

(End of this chapter)

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