Chapter 1322
It's just that Yun Qian never thought that it was Lu Zhu himself who ran into him like this!

This play is basically a bitter scheme directed and acted by Lu Zhu himself.

Yun Qian's eyes became a bit deep. We Zhu fought against her a few times, and this time the game was the most beautifully laid out. In addition, what happened this morning was used as a foreshadowing. At this time, Lu Zhu will export this It's hard for the King of Chu not to feel sorry for a play.

And Lu Zhu has ulterior motives from meeting Princess Chu to getting up to Lu Wu.

Such a person is truly terrifying.

When King Chu picked Lu Zhu up from the ground, Lu Zhu's face was covered with mud, she said softly: "My lord, don't blame the princess, this matter has nothing to do with the princess."

The things buried under the tree were changed after she woke up today. Originally, there were two buried inside, and she asked someone to take out one. There was only one inside. Although it would hurt her, it would not kill her. .

In her opinion, what happened today is a bit like a gamble, but she has become like this now. If she doesn't gamble, she may never have any chance again. As long as she is more careful and meticulous about things, she can turn around again.

Princess Chu's eyes were stern when she heard Lu Zhu's words, but King Chu stood up abruptly, looked at Princess Chu almost viciously, and said, "You really disappointed me! You were here in the early years. There are explosives buried, and seeing Zhu'er jumping up, they didn't warn at all!"

It turned out that as early as more than ten years ago, when Princess Chu and the King of Chu broke up, Princess Chu once said that she wanted to plant explosives under this pear tree to blow up everything.

But after the two had quarreled at that time, Princess Chu felt that there was no need to be angry with the tree she had found so hard for these things, and the house of the Baifu had been destroyed at that time, and the pear forest had already been cut down. Lost, this tree can be regarded as the last thing Baifu left her.

Lu Zhu found out about this matter by chance. After she knew it, she felt that she could do something about it.

Concubine Chu said a little amusedly: "It turns out that the lord still remembers my joke back then, but why didn't the lord remind Concubine Luside?"

"How did I know that you really buried explosives under this tree!" King Chu said coldly.

Concubine Chu felt that there was nothing to explain when she heard King Chu's words, and she just smiled coldly. King Chu turned his head to look at Princess Chu, closed his eyes, and said coldly: "You have changed, you have become too It was terrible!"

Concubine Chu had always been gentle in King Chu's heart earlier, even though the two had an extremely unpleasant quarrel over some things back then, Concubine Chu had never done any drastic actions.

After the King of Chu finished speaking, he glanced at Yunqian again, and then said coldly to Princess Chu: "You have been with Yunqian these days, and you have learned nothing else but her tricks. Today, you What the two said in the room, I'm afraid they deliberately said it to the king!"

When Yunqian heard the words of the King of Chu, there was a strong coldness in her eyes. She originally felt that there was a pity between the King of Chu and Princess Chu. If those misunderstandings were resolved, the two of them would have no chance at all.

But at this time, after hearing the accusation from King Chu, she felt that Princess Chu was right, and that King Chu was not worthy of Princess Chu's sacrifice for him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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