Chapter 1325
Yunqian couldn't help being stunned for a moment when she heard Princess Chu's words, but she didn't speak. At this moment, she suddenly heard movement from outside. The night was not dark at this time, and there was not much movement outside. Everything is going on, and those small movements become huge movements in this night.Concubine Chu and Yun Qian were stunned for a moment.

The two looked at each other, Yunqian pulled Princess Chu into the tunnel, followed by a group of maids.

The entrance of the tunnel is under one of the Buddha statues. The Buddha statue is as tall as a person and is very fat. The tunnel under the Buddha statue is walked down step by step with inclined steps.

Yunqian smelled a faint fragrance, she was so sensitive, she smelled it just a little bit, it was an extremely domineering fragrance.

Yun Qian was slightly startled, and hurriedly reached out and took out a bottle from her arms and put it next to Princess Chu's nose to smell it. Princess Chu's dizzy head suddenly woke up.

Yunqian handed the bottle to Huanyu again, and asked all the maids to smell it too.

The place where Yunqian stood was the navel of the Buddha statue, and there was a small slit there. She looked through the small slit with her eyes and saw a few chimneys stuck in the small window.

Her eyes turned colder, but when she heard the sound of pulling the door, her heart couldn't help tightening, the Buddhist hall is in the most remote place in the whole courtyard, if anything happens here, no one will know.

There was a chill in Yun Qian's eyes, knowing that if those people came in and couldn't see anyone, they would definitely search around. Although they would not find their hiding places in a short time, if they were discovered, they would be weak The woman is afraid that she will not be the opponent of those people outside the house.

At this moment, she somewhat understood why Lu Zhu tried every means to get them into this nunnery. Lu Zhu wounded himself as a bitter plan to attract the attention of the King of Chu, and before that, Princess Chu asked her to copy Buddhist scriptures, so As soon as it came, it was easy for King Chu to drive Princess Chu to the nunnery to copy Buddhist scriptures.

Yun Qian felt that Lu Zhu's method was much better than before, and the arrangement of this series of events was calm, yet interlocking.The seemingly irrelevant things lead them to develop step by step in the direction arranged by Lu Zhu.

Princess Chu was thinking similarly to Yunqian at this time, she stretched out her hand and tightened Yunqian's hand, Yunqian felt dense beads of sweat seeping out of her heart.

She gently pinched Princess Chu's hand back, signaling that she needn't worry.

The maids didn't dare to vent their anger, and stood there motionless.

At this time, someone outside the house whispered: "There are servants above, and the people inside are very cunning. If you go in, you are afraid of other troubles, so you lock the doors and windows, and then set them on fire. Remember, don't let them Anyone get out."

Although the voice was not loud, Yunqian could hear clearly at this time. Lu Zhu made such an arrangement, but it was because she had suffered a lot in Yunqian's hands before, and she was afraid that Yunqian would be able to cure the drug. He was also afraid that Yun Qian would poison those killers to death, so he simply burned Yun Qian to death and pulled him down.

As soon as that sentence fell, the sound of locking could be heard.

There was a bit of murderous look in Yunqian's eyes, and Princess Chu's hands had already clenched into fists.

In just a moment, Yunqian smelled the smell of kerosene, and then saw flames erupting everywhere.

Yun Qian immediately yelled inside the Buddha statue: "Concubine Mu, get up quickly, it's on fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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