Chapter 1326 Burning the nunnery
Concubine Chu understood, and immediately said loudly: "How can it be caught on fire! Qian'er, get out quickly!"

"Ah, there's fire everywhere, I can't get out! Concubine Mu, how good this is!" Yun Qian exclaimed in surprise.

Princess Chu cried: "There is nothing to do, what to do!"

Yun Qian screamed again, and then signaled Princess Chu to scream a few more times.

Princess Chu cried loudly in the Buddha statue: "I die here today, and I will turn into a ghost to take revenge in the future!"

The fire in the room was getting bigger and bigger, and the inside of the Buddha statue was also a little hot. Yun Qian dragged Princess Chu down the tunnel.

When the people outside the house heard this movement, there was a touch of pride in their eyes. Today's task was successfully completed, and they will be able to receive the reward in a while.

The night was getting dark, and the king of Chu couldn't sleep. He sat there and thought of many things. Lu Zhu's injury was not serious, but it looked terrible. She wants to rest.

The King of Chu originally wanted to take Lu Zhu back to the capital, but felt that Lu Zhu's reputation in the capital was too bad, and going back at this time was just a joke for people to see, so it would be better to raise him in another courtyard.

Sitting in front of the table, there was a cold light in his eyes, thinking of the moment Princess Chu pushed Luzhu today, his eyes lightened up again.

While he was wandering, he suddenly heard someone shouting outside: "It's water! It's water!"

The King of Chu was slightly startled, and a guard knocked on the door and rushed in and said, "My lord, it's not good, the nunnery where the concubine and the concubine live is flooded!"

The King of Chu asked anxiously, "Has the princess come out yet?"

The guard shook his head and said, "No one came out of the nunnery!"

The King of Chu jumped out of anger, stretched out his hand and slapped the guard, and said angrily, "Hurry up and lead the way!"

The guard responded, and the two were about to leave, but Lu Zhu woke up, and asked a little weakly, "What happened to the lord?"

"The nunnery is on fire!" King Chu said angrily.

Lu Zhu hurriedly got up and said: "Why is it on fire, the princess is still in the room, alas, what should I do? I will go with the prince to have a look!"

After she finished speaking, she was about to get up, King Chu looked at Lu Zhu with complicated eyes and said, "You are injured, and you were frightened last night, so you just stayed in the room."

Lu Zhu cried when he heard the words: "Originally I was staying in the nunnery tonight, if I stayed there, I would be able to suffer this for the princess."

The King of Chu glanced at her and said, "Stop thinking about it, this matter has nothing to do with you."

With tears in Lu Zhu's eyes, he said anxiously: "My lord..."

The king of Chu was impatient, he stopped trying to control Lu Zhu, and strode out.

As soon as the King of Chu left, Lu Zhu's eyes were a bit smug, and she naturally couldn't understand what happened to the fire in the nunnery.

When she woke up early this morning and found Mrs. Tian's body hanging beside her, she was quite frightened at that time, but she was also a person who had seen the world. Before waking up, she took out a knife from the kitchen, moved a stool and put Granny Tian's body off the beam.

She thought about Tian Po's body for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth and chopped the body into pieces with a knife.

Because this incident was too outrageous, she successfully attracted the attention of the king of Chu, and she also successfully fell into the arms of the king of Chu again. She realized her first step.

(End of this chapter)

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