Chapter 1327
During the dance at noon, Lu Zhu achieved the second step. He once again attracted the attention of the king of Chu by means of almost self-mutilation, and sent the princess of Chu to the nunnery.

The third step was to set the nunnery on fire, and burn Princess Chu and Yun Qian to death inside.

The burning of the nunnery was planned by her early in the morning. She originally thought it would be difficult for the king of Chu to imprison Princess Chu in the nunnery. She even thought of several plans for this, but what she didn't expect was, The King of Chu imprisoned Princess Chu so easily.

She couldn't hide the satisfaction in her eyes.

Tonight, Princess Chu and Yun Qian both died, everything she painstakingly arranged was not in vain, and the injuries she suffered were not in vain.

From now on, her biggest enemy in life is dead, and then she has to do the fourth step, which is to kill those who set fire tonight.

She had always believed that only the dead could truly keep secrets.

It's just that today she was seriously injured, Tian Po died again, and there were no other capable servants around her. After thinking about it, it's best to leave this matter to her, Chu Tianqi.

Although it was a little risky, she felt that Chu Tianqi had grown up and would have to deal with many things by herself in the future.

Thinking like this, she ordered the maid beside her to find Chu Tianqi. Chu Tianqi had already been woken up by the shouts outside, and as soon as the servants came to find her, she hurried over.

As soon as Chu Tianqi came, Lu Zhu drove all the maids out, and there was no one else in the room.

Lu Zhu took out a large stack of bank notes from his bosom and handed it to Chu Tianqi, then whispered something in her ear.

After hearing Lu Zhu's words, Chu Tianqi was slightly startled and said, "Mother, I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

Lu Zhu said softly: "Don't be afraid, you have grown up, these things will have to be dealt with sooner or later."

Chu Tianqi still shook her head and said, "Mother, I...I dare not..."

Seeing her appearance, Lu Zhu was a little angry and said: "Don't you dare? Why not? You are the daughter of the Chu Palace, and you will definitely marry into the Prince's House in the future. You have to learn how to deal with many things. Otherwise If you don’t, I’m afraid you will be trampled under your feet in the future.”

Chu Tianqi grew up in the temple since she was a child. She is very smart, but she always felt that murder was too terrible. Even though Lu Zhu was angry at this time and spoke very seriously, she still said: "But I think this matter It's really not right, mother, if you kill someone, you will go to hell after death."

Lu Zhu said coldly: "Do you believe such nonsense? Are you still my daughter?"

There was a bit of fear in Chu Tianqi's eyes, she was so anxious that tears were about to come out, but she was still shaking her head.

Lu Zhu was rather disappointed seeing Chu Tianqi's appearance, she sighed lightly and said, "Forget it, if I knew you would be so worthless, I might as well let you die of illness when I gave birth to you, and I don't want to see it." Now that you look like this. You are so soft-tempered, and you are afraid that you will be killed if you get married in the future! It really wasted all my hard work for many years. "

After being scolded by Lu Zhu, Chu Tianqi didn't dare to say more. The door was knocked, and Chu Tianyou walked in. As soon as he came in, seeing Chu Tianqi crying, he asked, "Mother, what happened?"

Lu Zhu said briefly: "Qi'er has let me down so much. I asked her to do some trivial things, but she didn't dare."

"I don't know what mother asked my sister to do?" Chu Tianyou asked.

(End of this chapter)

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