Chapter 133 Taming the Evil Bird
Yunqian felt more and more that this bird was evil. Could it be that Chu Yuanzhou gave her a psychic bird?She naturally doesn't believe this. Unless this kind of situation is a fantasy novel, it's just that such a mysterious and mysterious thing of time travel made her bump into it. Is there anything else in this world that is impossible?

She went back to the room with Mi in her arms. She was sleeping soundly at night, when she was suddenly awakened by a very strange cry, as if someone was crying for mourning. It was terrible, and she asked, "Huanyu, what happened?"

Huanyu replied: "The sound came from the side room, I'll go and have a look."

Yun Qian put on her clothes and got out of bed, the sound stopped suddenly, she crawled back to sleep again, just lay down and was about to fall asleep, when the sound started again, so several times, it annoyed her too.

Immediately afterwards, movement was also heard from the side room, first the voice of the maid whispering, then the sound of birds flapping their wings, and then the sound of screams.

Huanyu said cautiously: "Fifth Miss, it seems that the bird that Shi Ziye gave you is calling, and Yilan and the others are looking at that bird."

Yun Qian bit her lip, Nima Chu Yuanzhou didn't know how to do things, and the bird he sent was like that.

She asked Huanyu to hold a lamp, put on her clothes, and went to the side room. The maid in the room had already woken up. Seeing her coming, Yilan said, "This bird is really too noisy. This servant just wanted to teach it a lesson. I was pecked by it just after I didn't want to go there! Fifth Miss, this bird is too fierce, it's better to kill it."

As soon as she finished speaking, she went to pick up the knife.

Yun Qian saw that there was indeed a blood mark on Yilan's hand, which seemed to have been pecked by something, and looked at the bird again, its mouth was still covered with blood.She blinked her eyes, this bird is quite fierce, but Yilan is also ruthless, she can even pick up a knife at every turn.

Huanyu sternly said: "This bird is a token of love that the prince gave to Fifth Miss. If the prince pursues it, ten lives are not enough for you!"

Yilan had no choice but to stand still, but looked at Yun Qian and said, "Fifth Miss, this bird is really too noisy, if it keeps calling like this, I'm afraid it will disturb Fifth Miss's rest."

"I've already interrupted you." Yun Qian said lightly, "Go down!"

Yilan and the others saw that her complexion was not good, they didn't dare to say anything more, and hurriedly retreated.

When the bird saw Yun Qian approaching, it flapped its wings again, and then began to sing a voice that was as unpleasant as crying. Yun Qian frowned and covered her ears, but the bird looked at her with extremely flattering eyes.

Yunqian finally remembered what she said to the bird in the afternoon, and asked, "Is this your singing voice better than Oriole?"

The bird fluttered its wings happily, then nodded again.

Yun Qian felt like lifting a rock to hit her in the foot, as expected, birds of a feather flock together, this bird and Chu Yuanzhou are simply a virtue, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's too ugly!"

The bird sang again, and Yun Qian said angrily, "Shut your beak!"

Bird's head was slightly tilted, looking very pitiful.

Yun Qian caressed her forehead, looking at this posture, if she didn't give this bird some food, I'm afraid this broken bird would be able to sing all night tonight.

She said coldly: "Stop pretending to be pitiful in front of me, I won't take this kind of trick."

The bird blinked its eyes and looked even more pitiful, then opened its beak and twittered and sang again.

The bird's voice was hoarse, and it was not generally unpleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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