Chapter 134 Marriage in the Ye Mansion
Yun Qian covered her ears and said, "Shut up, if you keep yelling like that, I'll kill you and cook it in soy sauce!"

Bird closed his eyes slightly, and closed his mouth obediently.

Yun Qian clasped her arms around her chest and said, "Listen to me obediently from now on, and I will ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing. If you don't obey, hehe, it's very easy for you to starve to death!"

The bird opened its mouth and let out a soft cry, then its legs went limp, and it straightly shrugged its head and lay down in the cage, looking like it was being slaughtered.

Seeing the bird's appearance, Yunqian also thought it was a little funny. She turned around and took the rice, and threw a handful into the cage. The bird cheered, stood up very quickly, and then ate the rice happily.

Yun Qian looked at the crazy appearance of Niao Jin eating rice and said: "You don't have a name yet, you are so smart and fierce, I must give you an extremely brave name."

The bird happily ate rice and ignored her, she said very seriously: "You are all white, very cute, and you like eating rice so much, you can call it white rice."

Bai Mi just eats rice and doesn't bother to talk to her.

Yun Qian yawned and said, "Bai Mi Fan, who has a first name and a last name, really matches you so well."

As soon as she was happy, she put all the pot of rice on Bai Mimi's body. Bai Mimi raised her head and turned her black eyes to look at Yunqian sadly, as if to say, it's okay for you to name me an idiot. Forget it, just buckle all the rice on me, don't bully people like this!
Yunqian ignored it, hummed a ditty and left. Bai Mifan was about to continue singing, but she stopped at the threshold and said, "You are not allowed to sing any more. If you sing any more, I will cut off your food!" Your hair!"

The white rice has reached the noise of the throat and swallowed directly.

After returning to the room, Yunqian lay down on the bed and fell asleep, and had nothing to do all night.

In the early morning of the second day, Liu Ying delivered a lot of things in person, Yun Qian smiled and said, "Auntie has spent a lot of money."

Liu Ying smiled and said: "Miss Wu was ill a few days ago. Madam told me about it, and it's not convenient for me to come. Now I will make up for it. Please don't take it to heart."

There are too many meanings in her words, Yunqian just smiled lightly and said, "It will be fine when Auntie comes."

Liu Ying smiled again and said: "Miss Fourth has a straight temper and inexperienced experience, so she can't be exploited by others. Miss Fifth is generous, so please don't take it to heart."

Yun Qian looked at Liu Ying and said, "My aunt's words are a bit wrong. The fourth sister has always been smart, but she was misled. And there is my aunt watching behind her, so naturally nothing will go wrong."

Liu Ying sighed and said: "Yesterday, if Luo Er's words offended Fifth Miss, please don't take it to heart."

Yun Qian rolled her eyes, and said with a gentle smile: "They are all sisters of my own family, so how can I be honored for the sake of saying a few words?

There was a look in Liu Ying's eyes, and she said softly: "Miss Si said too much yesterday, I will accompany Miss Fifth for her, Miss Fifth..."

"Auntie's words are serious." Yun Qian interrupted Liu Ying, "I won't worry about what happened yesterday with Fourth Sister. Besides, Auntie is here today."

Liu Ying felt that such Yunqian was confusing, so she finally asked again: "Then the marriage in Yefu..."

(End of this chapter)

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