Chapter 1348 Someone is missing
At this moment, Chu Tianqi suddenly understood a lot of truths, and also understood why Lu Zhu said those things to her back then. She just felt that she was too naive before, thinking everything too simply.

She cried most of the night beside Lu Zhu's body, but suddenly remembered something, Chu Tianyou obeyed Lu Zhu's arrangement to silence those killers, it had been several hours since then, and it was time to come back.

She felt that Chu Tianyou would definitely know about Lu Zhu's death after he came back, and if he knew, he should have come here at this time, but at this time Chu Tianyou has not come, so something must have happened?
Chu Tianqi's heart tightened when she thought about this, she immediately got up and went to Chu Tianyou's room, but saw that the door of his room was closed, she knocked on the door lightly, and Chu Tianyou's roommate, Yang Liu, closed the door Open.

Chu Tianqi asked, "Is brother back?"

Yang Liu was already frightened by today's events, she shook her head and said, "Second Young Master hasn't come back since he went out at night."

A bad premonition rose in Chu Tianqi's heart, she bit her lips lightly and said, "If brother comes back, please come and tell me."

Yang Liu responded, but Chu Tianqi's heart became more and more uneasy. She almost stayed up all night. Others didn't know what Chu Tianyou was going to do, but she knew it all too well. The more she thought about it, the more worried she became. A weak woman can't help her with anything.

Yunqian was worried when she saw Chu Yuanzhou covered in blood. After he changed his clothes and washed his hair, she found that there were only a few small wounds on his body.

Yunqian carefully cleaned and bandaged the wound for him and said, "You really scared me to death just now."

"It was you who scared me to death just now." Chu Yuanzhou was still a little scared when he thought of the fire, he said in a low voice: "Actually, when I saw the so-called visitor from the palace today, I felt something was wrong. But I want to know what kind of tricks they want to play, I didn't expect that so many things happened here in just one day, fortunately there is that tunnel, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Just now, Cai Yunqian had told him everything that happened here, and when he heard it, he felt his heart beating wildly. This time, Lu Zhu really put all his eggs in one basket, and he did not act cruelly.

Yunqian's eyes were full of tenderness, and she said softly: "If you are not sure, mother will not take the initiative to live in the nunnery. In fact, when Lu Zhu made these arrangements, mother knew it in her heart. And mother There were originally arrangements, but in the end I couldn't help but make a move."

Chu Yuanzhou said quietly: "It seems that my mother is really angry this time. It's the first time I've seen my mother feel murderous when I grow up. If she had attacked Lu Zhu earlier, how could there be any harm?" The troubles that follow."

Princess Chu slept in Yunqian's room tonight, but there was only one master bedroom, so she went to the side room. Although Yunqian always felt that it was inappropriate, she insisted on going. Seeing that Yunqian couldn't stop her, she had to let her go. She has been tossing around all day today, and she will already be asleep by now.

Yun Qian said with a smile: "I really like my mother's temperament, if she is also cruel, seeing me snatch her most precious son away and use some tricks to rob you, wouldn't I be very tired? "

Chu Yuanzhou knew that she said these words just to comfort him, he immediately smiled and said: "Why didn't I know that I would be so popular?"

(End of this chapter)

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