Chapter 1349 Who is the Murderer
Yun Qian's eyes were full of warmth, but she reached out and pinched his face lightly and said, "Don't be too proud here!"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled, stretched out his hand to grab her hand, then put it on his face and said: "Don't I have the capital to be proud?"

The corner of Yunqian's mouth hooked slightly, and he said slowly: "You do have such a capital, but you can't be too big when you act in the future, don't you know that you are different now, if you have something My mother and I might not be able to survive if we miss out."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he lowered his head slightly and kissed her eyes lightly, saying: "I have a clue in my heart. In this world, no one can kill me."

Yun Qian frowned and said: "I don't like to hear such words. I think we can avoid danger in the future. There is no need to go up like that. Besides, if you are really that powerful, how can you have so many scars on your body?" Scars? Also, when we first met, you ran to me and asked me to heal your wounds. "

Chu Yuanzhou couldn't help touching his nose lightly and said, "That was an accident."

Hearing the words, Yun Qian gave him a hard pinch, his brows were frowned in pain, and he said with a bitter face: "My lady, I will listen to you in the future!"

Yunqian laughed when she saw his rambunctious look, then stretched out her hand to pinch his nose and said, "It's not too bad!"

Yun Qian smiled, and Chu Yuanzhou also laughed. He stretched out his hand and gently pulled her into his arms and said, "My lady's words are actually very reasonable. From now on, I won't push you any further. Think about it for you and mother first, and besides, I haven't become a father yet, so what can happen, don't you think so?"

Yunqian raised her eyes and saw that he was smiling so ambiguously, her face blushed, and she said softly, "Everything you say will change the taste..."

Before she could finish her words, Chu Yuanzhou kissed her lips, she gave him a chuckle and pushed him away.

King Chu was in the most complicated mood tonight. He looked at the empty room and felt extremely uncomfortable. Although he felt that Lu Zhu deserved to die, he also felt that the sword he killed Lu Zhu today seemed a little impulsive.

He sighed faintly, then got up and walked casually in the garden.

He heard Chu Tianqi's cry when he passed by the side room where Lu Zhu's body was parked. He wanted to go in and take a look, but put his hand on the door and shrank back. No matter what, Lu Zhu was killed by him. I don't know how to talk to Chu Tianqi.

But the King of Chu also felt a little strange, Lu Zhu died, why didn't he see Chu Tianyou's shadow, he thought in his heart, Lu Zhu loves Chu Tianyou the most on weekdays, Lu Zhu died, but Chu Tianyou didn't even face him Lu, that's really disrespectful.

Early in the morning of the second day, Chu Yuanzhou heard the sound of the door being knocked lightly. He was so alert that he woke up immediately. He glanced at Yun Qian and saw that she was still sleeping, so he crawled lightly Get out of bed, then close the quilt for her, and then walk out lightly.

A man about 30 years old stood there at the door and saluted him as soon as he came out.

Chu Yuanzhou nodded slightly. The person who came was Chu Yuanzhou's secret guard. After he was assassinated yesterday, he took the soldiers he brought back from the battlefield back to the other courtyard, and ordered the secret guard to investigate the assassination yesterday. Things.

(End of this chapter)

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