Precise calculation
Caiyu, the eldest maid next to Yunluo, is from Yunqian, and Shuxiu and Caiyu are in touch with each other on weekdays.

That day, when Yunqian gave the bottle of perfume to Yunluo, she had already thought of several plans, and in Yunqian's view, whether it was Yunluo who used her fragrance or Yunyan who used her fragrance, , there will be no essential difference in the outcome.

When she gave the perfume to Yunluo, she had calculated that the bottle of perfume would fall into Yunyan's hands, so everything was designed for Yunyan.

It's just that there are two other things that surprised Yunqian. One is that Chu Mo discovered the problem of the bottle of perfume in such a short period of time. month, when his body changed a lot.

She didn't intend to attack Chu Mo, but she knew that Chu Yuanzhou and Chu Yi's biggest opponent was Chu Mo, and she also wanted to use her method to do something for them.

And when she decided to do that, Chu Mo was destined to be implicated, anyway, she would be implicated, so she might as well use a strong dose of medicine.

At this time, the bottle of incense was so easy to find, which proved that there must be a person proficient in medical science by Chu Mo's side.

The second thing is that Yunyan is pregnant. She gave Yunyan medicine earlier. According to the normal situation, Yunyan will never be able to conceive again in her life. It is really strange to be pregnant now.

She thought carefully about the ingredients of the medicine given this time, and she suddenly understood in her heart that there was an ingredient in the medicine given this time that contradicted the medicine given last time. Let Yun Yan become pregnant.

It's just that the medicine used this time is quite delicate, even if Yun Yan can get pregnant this time, she won't be able to get pregnant next time no matter what.

And even if Yun Yan is pregnant under the condition of taking medicine, it is difficult to give birth to the child smoothly.

Even if the child can be born, nine out of ten the child will have intellectual problems. To put it simply, the child born will also be a fool.

What neither Yunluo nor Yunyan knew was that when Yunyan was stripped off by Chu Mo that day, Yunqian had expected that Yunyan would strip off Yunluo's clothes.

At that time, all the medicines in Yunyan's room were taken away by Chu Mo, so according to Yunyan's temperament, she would definitely go out to buy medicines to deal with Yunluo.Because Yunyan was pregnant and then fell out of favor, if she had a little brains, she would definitely not blatantly deal with Yunluo.

So when Yun Yan sent someone to buy the medicine, Yun Qian had already sent someone to deliver the medicine that she carefully prepared. Will definitely buy those medicines back.

It's just that the fact that Yunluo would hit Yunyan's stomach surprised Yunqian a little. Although she knew that Yunluo was very likely to get violent, she didn't expect that she would strike at Yunyan at this time.

Yun Qian thought about it carefully, and felt that Yun Luo's attack at this time was actually reasonable.

She had already thought of many paths when she laid out this situation, and most of them were developing according to her expectations. Although there were deviations in the middle, they were still following the trajectory she expected.

She could also expect that with this incident, the window screen between Yun Yan and Chu Mo that was not completely pierced was completely pierced.According to Chu Mo's temperament, no matter how much he could bear it, he might not be able to bear it any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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