第1412章 滑两次胎
When Yun Qian expected that the medicine would fall into Yun Yan's hands, she knew that Yun Yan would never let Yun Luo go. What she wanted was for the two to fight each other, but now things are more serious than she expected. exaggerate.

Huanyu snorted softly after listening to Shuxiu's story: "This is the legendary villain's own punishment. Yunyan and Yunluo are simply to blame, and they deserve it!"

Shuxiu also said softly: "If Yunyan didn't go to see Yunluo that day, and didn't surround her, she wouldn't have slipped her tires."

Yun Qian said slowly: "Although there are countless variables in this matter, but after careful consideration, they are all expected. The two of them stayed in the Ming Palace at the same time. They were originally self-righteous, so how could they tolerate it?" Get the other side."

She knew that even if she didn't make a move this time, something would happen between Yun Yan and Yun Luo sooner or later, she just made it happen in advance.

Shuxiu said softly: "Concubine Shizi, there is one more interesting thing."

"Oh?" Yunqian asked, "Anything else?"

Shuxiu looked at her and said, "I used ten taels of silver to learn from the doctor who saw Yunyan that King Ming knew that this was Yunyan's second miscarriage."

Yun Qian is a doctor, and he knows that if a woman has slipped a tire before, it seems that one or two can be diagnosed from the pulse, but it is one thing to be diagnosed, and another thing to slip twice. It also surprised her a little.

Shuxiu is also a caring person, and she is much more meticulous and meticulous in doing things than Huanyu.With these two things, she can already foresee Yun Yan's miserable life in the future.

Her eyes moved slightly and she said, "If that's the case, how will Duke Ming react?"

"I heard that King Ming sent the steward of the palace to Yunfu. He went there this morning and hasn't come out yet." Shuxiu replied softly.

Yun Qian smiled when she heard the words, "My father has always been a man who adapts to the wind and is greedy for power. This time something like this happened, it must be a huge blow to him."

Huanyu pouted at the side and said: "I don't like the master's protection and protection of the eldest lady in the past. I would like to see if he can continue to protect and protect this time!"

Shuxiu and Yunqian both smiled when they heard the words, Yunqian's eyes darkened a bit and said: "According to his past behavior style, he will definitely abandon the car to protect the handsome."

The two maids didn't understand what she meant, and Yun Qian didn't explain much, she just ordered lightly: "This matter will have a result in the evening, just let me know."

Shuxiu and Huanyu agreed, and then retreated. Yunqian took another sip of the tea in the cup, her eyes deepened, and she needed to know what Chu Mo would do this time.

When it was time to light the lamp, Shuxiu came in again and said, "Shi Zifei, something really happened."

Yun Qian nodded lightly and said, "Say it!"

Shuxiu said softly: "I got the news from Caiyu, after the master entered Ming Wang's mansion today, he chatted with Ming Wang for a long time. After coming out, his complexion was not very good, but Prince Ming looked very calm. After the prince came out of the study, he didn't go to see Yunyan, nor did he go to see Yunluo, and went back directly to Yunfu. "

Yun Qian said slowly: "Men in the world are as ruthless as my father, and no one can match him."

(End of this chapter)

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