Chapter 1413
Shuxiu didn't quite understand why Yun Qian would make such an exclamation, but she had been a servant girl in Yun's Mansion for many years, and even a little maid like her could know a little about Yun Jingyan's personality. After being around, I have a deeper understanding of Yun Jingyan's personality.

In Yun Jingyan's eyes, there has always been only power and status, and the children in the family are just his help to climb up. For his future, he can sell all the children in the family.

Shuxiu felt that no matter how clever Yun Qian was in dealing with Su Qiaohui in the past, with Yun Jingyan's scheming, he would be able to find out some clues, but he basically ignored this matter, even if Su Qiaohui died in the end Yes, Yun Jingyan didn't ask any more questions.

The root cause of this situation is the loss of power of the Su Mansion and Yun Qian's marriage into the Chu Palace.

She said softly: "Concubine Shizi, what should we do next?"

"Let's watch the play first." Yun Qian said unhurriedly: "If you interfere with this matter at this time, I might be used as a gunman by my father. It's better to watch this good show."

Shuxiu responded lightly, at this moment, Zhu'er walked in and said: "Shi Zifei, Prime Minister Yun has passed the residence, and said that he has something important to discuss with you."

Yun Qian's eyes darkened a bit, but she said unhurriedly: "Please invite Yun Xiang to drink tea in the flower hall, I will be there soon."

Zhu'er retreated, Shuxiu looked at Yunqian worriedly, but she said unhurriedly: "I just said that I want to watch a play, but my father came to me so soon, it seems that I want to watch a play as well It won't work."

Shuxiu said softly: "I think Shi Zifei still has the attitude of watching a show, and just ignore the master."

"Such a big incident happened in Ming Palace. As a daughter who came out of Yunfu, if I don't do anything, I will let those people with other thoughts think wildly." Yun Qian smiled and said: "It's never been me to escape. style of doing things.”

After she finished speaking, she asked Huanyu to find a coat for her, put it on and wanted to go out, but she was walking in the yard, and saw Chu Yuanzhou came back, Chu Yuanzhou said curiously: "Go where?"

Yun Qian told about Yun Jing's rumors over the mansion, Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "My father-in-law seldom comes to Chu Palace, so I will accompany you to see him today."

Yunqian felt that with Chu Yuanzhou in front of Yun Jingyan, she would not dare to rely too much on her elders in front of her, so she nodded slightly and agreed.

When the two of them went to the flower hall together, Yun Jingyan couldn't sit still because of something on his mind, and kept walking back and forth in the flower hall.

As soon as Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou walked in, Yun Jingyan rushed up to meet him and said, "Qian'er, this time you have to save your sister no matter what."

He is a minister in the court, and Chu Yuanzhou is not the royal family or Yun Jingyan's immediate boss. After he finished speaking, he found that Chu Yuanzhou was beside Yun Qian. As a last resort, he had to walk towards Chu Yuanzhou. present.

Chu Yuanzhou didn't make Yun Jingyan too ugly because of Yun Qian's face, so he immediately helped Yun Jingyan up and said, "There are no outsiders here, father-in-law doesn't need to be polite, who did you ask Qian Qian to save?"

When Yun Jingyan said those words, Yun Qian's heart was full of chills. In Yun Jingyan's heart, Yun Yan was probably the only daughter. She knew why Yun Jingyan came here, but she just pretended not to know. , and then slowly said: "Who happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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