Chapter 1414 Wonderful
Yun Jingyan originally wanted to tell the whole story about Yun Yan, but there was Chu Yuanzhou standing beside her, and he felt that some things were really hard to say, so he could only say: "Yan'er has had a miscarriage, you have time Let’s go to Prince Ming’s Mansion to see her.”

Yun Qian was slightly startled and said: "How could a miscarriage happen in such a good way? Eldest sister is too careless! But isn't there still a fourth sister in Prince Ming's mansion? The fourth sister has been the closest to the eldest sister since she was a child, so let the fourth sister take care of her." She's fine, and my father knows that my elder sister and I have always been at odds, if I go, I'm afraid it will make elder sister even more unhappy, and it will be bad at that time."

When Yun Qian said this, Yun Jingyan's face became even more ugly. He said with a dark face, "The reason why your eldest sister has a miscarriage is because of your fourth sister."

"How is it possible!" Yun Qian's eyes were full of surprise and said: "The fourth sister and the eldest sister have such a good relationship, and my father has always cared for the fourth sister, and the eldest sister is the jewel in my father's palm. Where will the heart of harming the eldest sister be born?"

She knew all these things, but she had been wronged in Yun Mansion all these years, and it was rare to see Yun Jingyan's flustered look today, so how could she not say more?
Yun Jingyan's face was very ugly, he bit his lips and said, "I don't even know that your fourth sister is so vicious as a father!"

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, but she said slowly: "How do I remember that my father always said that the fourth sister is as pure as the eldest sister, and it is true that people are not as good as they look. They are as shrewd as a father, and he even knows his own daughter's temperament."

There was still half a sentence she didn't say, but the implication was very obvious. Yun Jingyan couldn't even recognize his own daughter's temperament, so how could he see the whole court situation clearly, and how could he be the right minister? post.

Yun Jingyan's face suddenly turned ugly, and Chu Yuanzhou said calmly beside him: "The emperor has always said in front of me that Yuezhang is the representative of the courtiers in the world, and he knows how to figure out people's thoughts best, but Yuezhang can see big things clearly, but I can't see through my little daughter's thoughts, so my father-in-law may have to be more careful in doing things in the future."

Few people in the world would speak to their father-in-law like this, because usually they would be scolded bloody by his father-in-law.However, apart from being the eldest son of Chu Palace, Chu Yuanzhou was also the chief assistant of the court and Yun Jingyan's immediate boss.

This time, Yun Jingyan not only had to swallow Chu Yuanzhou's teasing and accusatory words, but also said softly, "Your Majesty is right."

Seeing Yun Jingyan's appearance, Yun Qian's eyes were full of disdain. When she first traveled over, Yun Jingyan almost controlled her life and death. Although she always had some disdain for him, on the surface she also It's not good to contradict directly. Hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words at this time, she just felt extremely relieved.

She glared at Chu Yuanzhou immediately and said: "This is my father, how can the son speak as he pleases like other people?"

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes moved slightly, and he said unhurriedly: "The lady taught me that."

Under normal circumstances, when he said such things, he would need to ask Yun Jingyan to accompany him, but at this time, he straightened his back and didn't even look at Yun Jingyan, but looked at it with a smile on his face. Yun Qian, that look is extremely affectionate.

Yun Qian knew that she and Chu Yuanzhou had always had a tacit understanding, but the tacit understanding was manifested in this way, which made her feel wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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