Chapter 1416

Yun Jingyan was so angry when he heard Yun Qian's words. His biggest purpose in coming to Chu Palace to find Yun Qian today was to bring Yun Qian and Yun Yan closer, and then asked Chu Yuanzhou to help Chu Mo. With the help of Chu Wangfu's power, Yun Yan's position can be kept.

If it weren't for Chu Yuanzhou being here, he might be about to have a fit. He looked at Yun Qian and said, "No matter whether you have sharp eyesight or not, and how things will develop in the future, Yan'er is your eldest sister. Your surname is Yun." , is the daughter of Yunfu!"

In Yun Qian's eyes, Yun Jingyan's appearance seemed a little bit of embarrassment, but she originally wanted to irritate Yun Jingyan, so she said unhurriedly: "What father said is true, I always remember My surname is Yun."

In Yun Jingyan's heart, Yun Qian didn't have much memory at first. The Yun Qian in his impression was the Yun Qian who had passed through, the shrewd Yun Qian, the Yun Qian whose knowledge and talent were quite amazing.

His eyes closed slightly. If such Yunqian said that he had no eyesight, he would not believe it anyway. It was just Yunqian's excuse not to speak for Yunfu.

He was even more annoyed in his heart, and only thought that Yun Qian was a white-eyed wolf!She even forgot about her own parentage, she really didn't recognize her own parents when she was rich and honored!
Yun Jingyan's eyes slanted and he said: "You just need to remember, even if you save your life, you will not forget your parents, and you will know how to repay your parents for their kindness in nurturing!"

He was so angry that he said such things in front of Chu Yuanzhou. In his eyes, Yunqian really disappointed him, and nothing he did was suitable for him. Love, but at this moment he still wants her, and she dares to put on airs in front of him!
Chu Yuanzhou frowned when he heard Yun Jingyan's words, and was about to speak, when Yun Qian squeezed him lightly, and he swallowed his words after glancing at her.

Yun Qian said unhurriedly: "What my father taught is that I will naturally remember the kindness of my parents in nurturing, and if I have the opportunity, I will definitely repay it."

Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly when he heard the words: "Qianqian is kindness. You didn't know where your parents were when you were beaten by the sisters in Renyun's mansion. You didn't know where your parents were when you were hungry and ate the last meal but didn't finish the next meal." Know where Yue Zhang is."

Yun Jingyan was slightly stunned when he heard the words. He didn't dare to say anything wrong with Chu Yuanzhou, but he stared at Yun Qian with wide eyes. His meaning was obvious, that is, Yun Qian said these things to Chu Yuanzhou, otherwise he would How could he know, otherwise why didn't he help Chu Mo!

Chu Yuanzhou cast a slanted glance at him and said, "Yuezhang doesn't need to look at Qianqian like this. I knew these things before I married Qianqian. I didn't say it clearly before, but it was to give Yuezhang some face. Now that I have said it now At this point, I’ll just tell the truth.”

Yun Jingyan frowned even more, and he wanted to interrupt, but Chu Yuanzhou didn't give him a chance to interject, but continued: "I marry Qianqian, which has nothing to do with Yunfu, she belongs to Yunfu It doesn't make any difference to me whether she is Miss Fifth, a country girl, or a beggar begging on the street, she is just Yun Qian, my beloved woman."

Yun Jingyan was stunned for a moment, and Yun Qian's heart warmed up. Although she knew that Chu Yuanzhou said these words to Yun Jingyan, she still felt very comfortable listening to them.

(End of this chapter)

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