Chapter 1417 Never Forget
Chu Yuanzhou grabbed Yunqian's hand and said, "If I remember correctly, my father-in-law didn't have any objections when I made the appointment that day, but I went to Huaishui just because I came back late. After a while, my father-in-law forced Qianqian to marry Ye Wuchen. I don't usually talk about this matter, but I still remember it in my heart. If Qianqian hadn't trusted me so much and escaped marriage that day, I'm afraid the situation is not the same now. "

Chu Yuanzhou has always been brooding about this matter, and he doesn't talk much about it on weekdays, but it doesn't mean he has forgotten it.

Yun Jingyan couldn't hold back his old face, so he could only say awkwardly: "It's been a long time since that incident, why should the son keep giving up, besides, Qian'er is married to you too."

Yun Qian knew that Yun Jingyan was shameless earlier, and now hearing his words, she felt that there was no lower limit for Yun Jingyan to be shameless.

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, his eyes were full of disdain, a domineering aura emerged from his body, his head tilted slightly, and he snorted coldly: "It sounds really reasonable, such words , Do I have to buy another bunch of firecrackers and set them off in Yaoyun Mansion, to thank Master Yun for stopping Qianqian from marrying me back then, and finally let me marry Qianqian?"

Yun Jingyan coughed lightly when he heard the words, and then said calmly: "The son is now the chief minister of a dynasty, the real prime minister of a country, how can a prime minister always remember the mistakes of others in the past, and should look forward. That's right, I went too far with that matter, but I'm Qian'er's biological father, how can you speak so harshly?"

"Is this ugly?" Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of frost and he said: "That is something uglier than you have ever heard, so what if I am the prime minister of a country, so what if I hold grudges? I understand it clearly today Let me tell you honestly, I am just a grudge, I can still remember the old grudges more than ten years ago clearly, not to mention that this incident was only last year! I remember it very clearly!"

Yun Jingyan was also a little annoyed when he heard that, so he looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Is this how you treat your elders?"

"I have always been respectful to my elders." Chu Yuanzhou said calmly: "But the premise is to see if this elder is worthy of my respect. If he is shameless, he will be self-righteous every day, thinking how great he is, and do what he wants. But it’s a shameful thing, thinking about those shameless things, so why should I recognize this elder?”

Yun Jingyan knew his temperament. If he said he didn't admit it, he probably wouldn't.

And the situation in Yun Mansion is not very good now, Yun Yan is out of favor now, Yun Qian refuses to help, Yun Zheng is cold and indifferent, after marrying Ye Wuchen, she never asks about anything in Yun Mansion.

He originally put all his hopes on Yun Yan, but he didn't expect such a big thing to happen this time, and he was very angry.

Yun Jingyan gritted his teeth. He really didn't want to make the relationship with Yunqian any longer. Now he knew that Chu Yuanzhou's words were talking about him, but he said calmly: "I've always been upright, and I have nothing to say to others. , even if Shizi misunderstood me, I believe it will disappear with time."

Yun Qian had an urge to spout, and she also had a feeling of worship towards Yun Jingyan. He really dared to say that it took skill to be able to say such words so smoothly and confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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