Chapter 1437 Backyard Controversy
Yun Qian has always felt that Chu Mo's temperament is introverted, and under normal circumstances, he would not speak too bluntly, but what he said to Yun Yan at this time was not unreasonable, and directly drove Yun Yan from the cloud to the bottom of the valley.

Yun Yan's face turned green and white for a while, and Chu Mo turned his head to Yun Qian and Mo Chou and said: "My concubine's miscarriage, after all, it's just a dispute between women in the backyard of the palace. Yunluo is vicious, and I understand that the palace can't tolerate her. Today, the concubine pleaded for mercy, and this king let her out of the palace. I don't want to say anything about other things about the princess, but Yunfu owes me an explanation after all."

Yun Qian said softly: "What kind of explanation does the prince want from Yunfu?"

"This Mrs. Lao Yun told Yun Xiang." Chu Mo's eyes were full of cold air: "Please tell Mrs. Yun to Yun Xiang, his heart is understood by the king, and Yun Xiang teaches his daughter well. Yunluo is one of the best girls in a hundred. This king is very useful, but he is not blessed to accept it. If you want to marry other women in Yun's mansion, let alone be a concubine, even if you are the housekeeper, this king will despise you! Although the concubine comes from the Yunfu, she is already the eldest concubine of the Prince of Chu's mansion, not a woman of the Yunfu, so if what the king said just now is too general, let the imperial concubine accompany me first, in my heart, The Crown Princess is really not a woman from the Yunfu."

After he said this, he walked away in a huff, and Yun Yan's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Standing there, Yunqian's eyes darkened a little. Chu Mo must have been mad with anger, otherwise he wouldn't have said such a thing according to his temperament.

Mo Chou's complexion was also ugly, no matter how she said it, her complexion was not bright when Chu Mo spoke like this.

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and Yun Yan stood there with a blue face, her hands clenched into fists.

Seeing Yun Yan's appearance, Yun Qian felt a little funny, but she still said: "Third sister will take care of the eldest sister in Ming Wang's mansion. After returning to Yun Mansion, mother will pass on the words of Ming Wang to father, and father will come to Ming after a few days. Take the third sister home from the palace."

Yun Yan's body trembled slightly, she glanced sideways at Yun Qian and said, "What the concubine Shi Zi said to me just now seems to be very different from what the prince said."

"That's not what the prince said." Yun Qian felt that she didn't need to explain anything to Yun Yan, but she felt that she still had to tell Yun Yan about some things.

So Yun Qian said again: "I think the matter of coming to see the fourth sister today is the prince's test for the third sister. The third sister can't even tolerate her own sister, so how can she tolerate the future nobles in the palace? Besides, The third sister seemed to be very indifferent to the fourth sister just now, maybe in the eyes of the prince, the fourth sister was able to abort the fetus in the eldest sister's womb that day, then the third sister is likely to be able to do this kind of thing in the future."

Yun Yan's face became even more ugly, Yun Qian sighed softly and said, "It's not that I'm talking about the third sister, just now the third sister was too eager to see the prince's appearance, the prince doesn't like frivolous and flirtatious women the most. .”

Yun Yan said angrily, "Yun Qian!"

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and she said unhurriedly: "Although my name is Yun Qian, this name is no longer what Third Sister can call me directly, please call me Shizifei."

Yunyan's hands trembled, she just felt that many things exceeded her expectations, and her dream after lifting the ban was also shattered at this moment, and she felt extremely unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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