Chapter 1438
If it was Yunyan from before, she must have rushed over to fight Yunqian at this time, but after she was grounded, her temper became obviously calmer, she gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, Shizifei!"

Seeing Yun Yan like this, Yun Qian thought it was a bit interesting, and said with a smile: "Father sent the third sister to come to Ming Palace, and the third sister has a deep relationship with the eldest sister, so I have to work for the third sister these days."

Yun Yan bit her lower lip, Yun Qian smiled lightly and took Mo Chou's hand and walked out.

Yun Yan stomped her feet resentfully, her eyes were full of unwillingness, but she remembered that Yun Jingyan had said to her before she left: "This time, you should stay in the Ming Palace, if you can't come back, then don't come back. "

At that time Yun Yan hadn't fully understood the meaning of Yun Jingyan's words, but now she fully understood that Yun Jingyan also thought that Chu Mo might not keep her.

And Yun Yan could also hear the hidden meaning of Yun Jing's words, that is, if she couldn't stay in Prince Ming's Mansion this time, then she wouldn't be able to return to Yun Mansion again.

Although she felt a little pressure when she left Yunfu, she also felt that as long as Yun Jingyan agreed to this matter, then this matter could be accomplished nine out of ten. Now it seems that she was thinking too simply.

Yun Qian's eyes were cold, and there was a touch of disdain in her eyes. Yun Yan was sent to Ming Palace by Yun Jingyan, and she sent him here. As for whether Chu Mo wants Yun Yan or not, that's not something she needs to consider. up.

And Yunyan's appearance at this time is a bit funny to Yunqian, and no matter what Yunyan does in the future, what happened this time will make Yunyan unable to hold her head up, not to mention that Yunyan used to have the fierce temperament that was famous in the capital.

Although Yunyan came here under the banner of taking care of Yunyan, she didn't think that Yunyan could go back to Yunfu this time, and if Yunyan could never go back to Yunfu, then Yunyan would stay in Mingwang's mansion in the future Life will not be easy, and the status will be very embarrassing.

Yun Qian's eyes flickered, and after walking out of Prince Ming's Mansion, Huanyu asked Huanyu to hire a carriage to take Yunluo to a nunnery outside the capital.

After hearing Yun Qian's arrangement, Mo Chou said softly, "I'm really surprised that Qian'er can intercede for Yun Luo this time."

Yun Qian's eyes were indifferent, and she said slowly: "She knows that she has repented, so naturally she will be given a way out."

Mo Chou nodded her head lightly, but she said curiously: "Yun Luo made Yun Yan miscarry this time, in the final analysis, it will damage the blood of the royal family, and she is just a concubine, following the ways of the nobles in the capital. , Yunluo is going to be executed this time. But this time, King Ming only sent her to the firewood room to chop firewood, and he released Yunluo as soon as you begged for mercy. I always feel that something is wrong about this."

Yun Qian said lightly: "There is indeed something wrong, but my mother should be able to understand after thinking about it."

Mo Chou glanced at Yun Qian curiously, Yun Qian just smiled, but didn't speak any more.

After thinking about it, Mo Chou finally remembered one thing. Although Yunyan was pregnant with Chu Mo's child this time, this child was also Chu Mo's first child, and Chu Mo had always been ambitious and determined to win the throne.

Then if Yun Yan gave birth to this child for Chu Mo, it would be better if it was a daughter, but if it was a son, then it would be the eldest son of the emperor, and according to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he would be the crown prince.

Thinking of this, Mo Chou seemed to understand something.

(End of this chapter)

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