Chapter 1440
Yun Qian said with a grin: "Mother, how can you say that you are old? You are now a young lady with a charming charm. As long as you dress up a little, you can at least fascinate a large group of men, not to mention the city and the country. Wait for your mother." After reconciling with my father and leaving, I must find a good husband for my mother, so that I can treat my mother well."

Mochou listened to her words a little out of the ordinary, and a little shocking, she couldn't help but blushed and said: "I know nonsense all day long, I have never heard of a daughter who persuaded her father and mother to be in harmony with each other. Li, even if I persuade you like this, I won't say such things like you, it's really embarrassing!"

It was rare for Yun Qian to see Mo Chou like this, so she immediately "giggled" and clung to Mo Chou's body like she was cheating and said, "I always feel that my father is not good enough for my mother. Mother is happy, nothing else is important."

Mo Chou reached out and tapped her nose and said, "I saw that your face has become thicker since you married the prince. Did you imitate the prince?"

The mother and daughter had been a little estranged since Yun Qian escaped from marriage, and they hadn't talked like this for a long time. Now that they opened the chatter box, they both talked more and got closer.

Yun Qian even felt that at this moment, she and Mo Chou were like real mothers and daughters, she could show her arrogance in Mo Chou's arms, and Mo Chou could also speak ill of her in front of her.

She suddenly felt very happy, and felt that after she traveled through time, God treated her extremely favorably.

She laughed softly and said: "Mother originally commented on Shizi in this way, I will tell him later."

"You girl!" Mo Chou smiled, tapped Yun Qian's forehead again and said, "When did you learn to gossip?"

The corners of Yunqian's mouth rose, and she said softly, "Yes, I'm telling gossip, but mother is also disrespectful!"

Mo Chou was taken aback when she heard the words, and then laughed too.

The atmosphere in the carriage was endlessly beautiful. After Yunqian sent Mochou to Yunfu, he saw Yun Jingyan waiting at the door. As soon as he saw the two of them coming down, he rushed up to meet them and asked, "How is it? What did King Ming say?"

Mochou and Yunqian looked at each other, Yunqian said lightly: "Ming Wang asked me to tell my father, he said that the third sister is too frivolous and vicious, don't say send it to the palace as a concubine, even if it is given to him He also dislikes being a roommate."

Yun Jingyan was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, but he stared at Yun Qian with wide eyes and said, "Yan'er has an outstanding appearance, how could Duke Ming say such words suddenly?"

Yun Qian's eyes were a little colder, and he felt that Yun Jingyan was a talent among talents, and he was still talking about Yun Yan's appearance at this moment. To Chu Mo, he probably saw too many beautiful women.Not to mention anything else, just talk about Yun Yan, Yun Yan who just married him is a stunning beauty, I don't know how many times more beautiful than Yun Yan.

How could a person like Chu Mo be tempted by a woman's appearance? The only thing that could tempt him was the throne and all kinds of assistance to ascend to the throne.

Before she could speak, Yun Jingyan looked at Yun Qian again and said, "Qian'er, did you say something in front of King Ming? That's why King Ming is like this?"

Now he is more and more disappointed with Yunqian, and only thinks that this daughter is a white-eyed wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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