Chapter 1441
Yun Qian asked with some amusement: "Dare to ask father, what should I say to King Ming? My mother took the third sister to the Chu Palace to find me, and asked me to go with them to the Ming Palace to see Eldest Sister, isn't it just to see Eldest Sister? It was the third sister who fell in love with King Ming herself, so can I still be blamed for this matter?"

At this point in her words, her eyes were fixed on Yun Jingyan, and then she said word by word: "Could it be that, in my father's heart, let me take Sanjie to Ming Palace today and want me to speak for Sanjie? Good words, let King Ming take her into the house?"

Yun Jingyan heard Yun Qian speak so bluntly, and he directly said what was on his mind, his old face was a little uncomfortable, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are sisters, you should really help each other."

Yun Qian sneered and said, "Father is right. We are sisters, and we should help each other. It's just that Qian'er has always been a bit stupid, so how can she understand father's twists and turns? Father has such thoughts. , just tell me directly, why bother to make so many detours?"

Yun Jingyan was a little dumb for a moment, but Yun Qian sighed softly: "However, father let the elder sister, third elder sister and fourth elder sister serve the prince of Ming together. This has never been precedent in this dynasty. Father's approach is really very innovative. , I am very impressed."

At this point, she didn't need to be too polite to Yun Jingyan, if it wasn't for Mo Chou's face, she would have to fix Yun Jingyan right now, he was really shameless.

Yun Jingyan's face was extremely ugly when he heard Yun Qian's words. Because of Yun Qian's current status, he immediately got angry, but he turned his head and said to Mo Chou, "Is this how you taught your daughter?"

"What is father doing? What did mother do wrong?" Yunqian said with disdain in her eyes, "mother is just following father's order."

Mo Chou saw that the two of them were arguing, and immediately said softly: "Master, this matter is really not to blame for Qian'er, it is Yan'er who has gone too far today, King Ming seems to have no regard for her. Good impression. If that's the case, why not bring Yan'er back, she is a daughter who has not left the court, so living in Prince Ming's mansion like this may not be very good."

Yun Jing said angrily: "You are a woman who knows what!"

Mochou's eyes were also stern, and she said softly, "I'm a woman and I don't know much. If so, the master can handle it by himself. I won't take care of these things in the future!"

Seeing this look, Yunqian knew that Mochou might suffer in the future in Yunfu. Her eyes darkened a little, and she took out the gold medal given to her by the emperor before and said, "Seeing the gold medal is like the emperor's presence!"

Yun Jingyan was stunned when he saw the gold medal, but he also knew the authority of the gold medal. He felt extremely unhappy, but he had to kneel down to salute. His eyes were full of anger, and he didn't expect Yun Qian to Do it and crush him with a gold medal!

It was always only children who worshiped their fathers, and this was the first time in the entire Zhou Dynasty that a father worshiped his daughter like this. Yun Jingyan scolded Yun Qian for being unfilial in his heart.

Yun Qian's eyes were dim, and she looked at Yun Jingyan with squinted eyes, and said very domineeringly: "This gold medal was given to me by the emperor, today I will take out this gold medal and give it to my mother for safekeeping. Anyone in the Yun Manor who dares to bully Mother is tantamount to bullying the Chu Palace, and it is also tantamount to ignoring the Emperor's Tianwei!"

(End of this chapter)

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