Chapter 1449
Yunqian sighed softly, and subconsciously held onto Chu Yuanzhou a little tighter. Although she knew that this matter must be safe and sound, but when such a battle appeared in her mind, she was still worried for no reason.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Don't hold me so tightly, am I living a good life in front of you? But I am very happy to see you care about me."

He looked a little smug, but the slight scar between his brows was so obvious.

Yun Qian glanced at him when she heard the words, and leaned on his arms with one of his arms.

He reached out and gently stroked her hair and said, "My hundred elite guarded me to death, and they all died when I rushed out of the encirclement. I was also seriously injured at the time, and it happened that my The lieutenant general saw that I hadn't returned, so he brought his soldiers and horses to find me, otherwise I would have to die."

Yunqian pursed his lips lightly, and Chu Yuanzhou said lightly again: "Don't you see, since ancient times, soldiers have buried loess and sand all over the ground, but they have covered so many loyal souls. Those soldiers died because of me, and also because of that incident , I finally know how cruel the battlefield is, a life that was alive one moment, becomes a corpse the next moment, and a living life is just gone.”

Yunqian knew that this matter must have a great impact on Chu Yuanzhou. After all, Chu Yuanzhou was only 11 years old at that time, and he was still a child after all. She knew that Chu Yuanzhou had burdened a lot, but she did not think of what he was carrying. It was more than she imagined.

Everyone only saw Chu Yuanzhou's beautiful side, but they didn't know how much blood and tears were hidden behind his beautiful side.

She said softly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you about this."

Chu Yuanzhou patted her hand lightly and said: "It's okay, there is nothing we can't say about this matter, and besides, I haven't said what you want to ask."

Yun Qian bit her lip lightly, and Chu Yuanzhou slowly said: "After I escaped back that time, I was seriously injured and slept on the bed for three days and three nights before waking up. When I woke up, I found that our army had retreated nearly a day Baili. And the bodies of the soldiers who died with me were also thrown in front of the battle by the Xiliang people, they said I was a coward, a coward who would only run away."

Yun Qian bit her lip lightly, Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said again: "Maybe they scolded me a lot. After I just woke up, the first thing I did was to snatch those corpses back."

Yunqian held his hand tighter, and Chu Yuanzhou said calmly, "Then I did another very puzzling thing."

"What did you do?" Yun Qian asked.

Chu Yuanzhou narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I asked the lieutenant general to find all the dead soldiers' bodies, and then tie bombs to their bodies, and put them in groups of five."

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, thinking that what he did was too much like a terrorist's human bomb in the 21st century.

She knew that Chu Yuanzhou was only 11 years old at the time, how painful it was for such an innocent boy to make that thought, she couldn't help but whispered: "Yuanzhou!"

Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "After the bomb is attached, I will tell all my soldiers to retreat ten miles. I gave such an order, but people searched for an ambush on a mountain less than five hundred feet away from the corpse."

(End of this chapter)

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