Chapter 1450 His Responsibility
Yunqian didn't ask again this time, but it turned out that she had already thought about it. It was only then that she realized that history books were a bit of a scam, and she always only recorded credit and demerit, which was extremely unfair to those soldiers who died on the battlefield. .

"After a loud noise, the Xiliang soldiers were blown up to the point where they couldn't recognize their own parents. We defeated the Xiliang soldiers in one go, and even went all the way into the depths of the Xiliang country." Chu Yuanzhou said softly.

Yun Qian saw that there was no pride in his eyes, knowing that using the corpses of his own soldiers as bombs might have touched him a lot, and in this dynasty, human corpses cannot be destroyed by others. There are still many ministers scolding him.What she knew was that he had been silent for several years after returning to the capital from Xiliang.

She sighed softly, and Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "After that battle, I asked someone to write down all the names of the soldiers who died in that war, including their birthplaces, and then I Take people to their homes in person."

"I found out later that many of those soldiers were fathers, leaving behind children at home, and because of their deaths, many of their wives left their children behind, leaving only old parents, and some children became orphans directly I will send all those orphans to learn art, and let them do whatever they like." Chu Yuanzhou said softly.

At this time, Yunqian understood Chu Yuanzhou's original intention, and she said softly, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Chu Yuanzhou hugged her into his arms and said softly: "You don't need to say sorry to me, I should be the one who should say sorry. In fact, the emperor has given me a lot of rewards over the years, but I don't have any money at hand. I will All that money was given to the parents of the soldiers who died on the battlefield. I don’t seem to have given you much wealth.”

Yun Qian didn't quite understand why Chu Yuanzhou won so many battles, and the soldiers around him respected him so much, but she didn't expect that there was such a reason behind it.

She chuckled lightly and said, "I'm not short of silver flowers. Besides, it seems that you have given me a lot of money to support my family over the past year."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "If you are like aunt, I really can't support you."

Yun Qian rolled her eyes and said, "My sister naturally wants money if she doesn't have a man. Why do I need so much money when I have a man?"

Chu Yuanzhou's heart was full of warmth when he heard the words, Yunqian looked at him and said, "I think the sons and daughters of those former soldiers have grown up now, and these people also respect you very much."

"When I took them away, I told them clearly why their father died. I also told them my identity, and I even told them what happened on the battlefield. If they blame me, they can come Find me to settle the score." Chu Yuanzhou said slowly: "But it seems that none of them came to me to settle the score, they all thought it was a war, and they could not blame anyone, so after they finished their studies, many of them came down the mountain to look for me, and I also According to their personalities, some were sent to the military camp, some were kept by their side as bodyguards, and some were sent to study."

Yun Qian said softly: "How many people are there?"

"In the past two years, there are quite a few people who have returned from their studies. I haven't done a detailed calculation. There should be about a thousand people, and there are still many who have not completed their studies." Chu Yuanzhou said plainly.

(End of this chapter)

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