Chapter 1451
Yun Qian gasped when she heard the words, and said, "My lord, you are really amazing. You are so rich that you support so many people by yourself."

"It's okay, okay." Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not the only one raising it. Over the years, Bai Luo has contributed the most. Do you know how Bai Luo can start the business?"

"Didn't you say that he is a profiteer?" Yun smiled slightly.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "He is indeed an out-and-out profiteer, that's why he came up with such a scheme. Among those orphans, many of them are learning art while practicing in his caravan. They are all orphans, so they work extra hard, and they rush to the forefront when encountering fights with others."

Yun Qian was a little speechless when she heard the words, she didn't expect that this matter would turn out like this.

Chu Yuanzhou said again: "To be honest, many of Bai Luo's buddies are my people, and I have a lot of weight in Bai Luo's property, so every year Bai Luo will give me a lot of money .”

Yunqian understood Chu Yuanzhou's implication, blinked her eyes and said: "The son means those businesses of the Bai family. After all, many of them belong to the son?"

"It can be said like this." Chu Yuanzhou spread his hand lightly and said, "It's just that I'm not interested in doing business. Bai Luo's ability to grow big is all due to his great ability. I haven't managed those industries before. It's only when Bai Luo encounters something that he can't solve, I will take action, but you also know that my actions are usually for fighting."

Yunqian coughed lightly when she heard the words, and now she understands why Bai Luo and Chu Yuanzhou are so close. She remembered another thing, looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "The one million taels for disaster relief Bai Luo repented at the time, so it must have been your collusion, right?"

"That matter has nothing to do with me." Chu Yuanzhou quickly cleared the relationship and said, "I just returned to the capital last year, and my hands were actually a little tight. I just got a few 10 taels of silver, and then asked him to take When the 100 million taels of silver came out, the iron rooster was unhappy and changed his mind temporarily. I really wanted to strangle him to death. So as you can see later, he hid away when he saw me .”

Yun Qian laughed when she heard the words, she didn't expect that there was something else behind that incident.

She said slowly: "After listening to your words, I understand somewhat."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows lightly, Yunqian's mood became a little heavy, she looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said softly, "Does King Jing know about you and Bai Luo and those orphans?"

She used to only know that Chu Yuanzhou held great power in his hands, and that the Prince of Chu's mansion held military power. In the hands of Chu Yuanzhou.

Now that Chu Yuanzhou is the chief assistant of the Great Zhou Dynasty, one person can be under one man and more than ten thousand people. In addition to Bai Luo's financial resources and the manpower hidden behind him, these strengths are really scary.

If Chu Yuanzhou really wanted to be an emperor, if he rebelled one day, the situation would change.

Obediently bang, the strength that Chu Yuanzhou hides is probably extremely terrifying, and there are too many things hidden under his dandy appearance.

Chu Yuanzhou heard the meaning behind Yun Qian's words, and he rolled his eyes at her and said, "You think I'm stupid!"

(End of this chapter)

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