Chapter 1460
After Nangong Wushuang married Chu Yi, she found that Chu Yi, who had always been calm, would be a little nervous whenever he encountered something about Yun Qian. For example, when Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou went to Feihua Bieyuan last time, Chu Yi Yi Yi realized that the two of them might be in danger, so Dang even went to help with soldiers and horses.

She knew the relationship between Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou, but she knew that Chu Yi brought him there because of Yun Qian.

After Chu Yi came back from Feihua Bieyuan, he once drew a portrait. Nangong Wushuang once found it when he was bored and went to the study to find a book. When she saw the portrait, Chu Yi came in. He had nothing at that time. He said, but he just ordered that no one should enter his study, including Nangong Wushuang.

Nangong Wushuang was moved by Chu Yi in her heart, but she grew up in a pack of wolves, and Mrs. Ruan was sick and had no time to tell her what love between a man and a woman was. She was a little confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

Deep in her heart, she has no hatred for Yun Qian. This time she saw Yun Qian, she said these words unconsciously. After hearing Yun Qian's words at this time, she finally knew in her heart that she not only wanted to There are too many, and the words seem to be wrong.

She said softly, "Qianqian, I understand."

Yun Qian smiled when she heard the words, but sighed in her heart.

At this moment, she heard a soft cough, but saw Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou standing about ten feet away from the two of them. The two of them were strong in martial arts, walking silently, and they kept talking. So I didn't see the two of them coming over.

I don't know how much they heard about the conversation between the two just now.

Yun Qian smiled at the two of them, and Chu Yi said lightly: "There are people from the palace, and the seventh brother has returned from buying horses from Tuoyin. The emperor asked Wushuang to go and see how the horses bought by the seventh brother are."

He explained why he and Chu Yuanzhou came here in a very flat tone.

Nangong Wushuang said softly: "Okay, I'll go and have a look."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Qianqian, you haven't ridden a horse yet, why don't you go together, and then I'll pick a good horse for you to ride?"

Yun Qian rode a horse when she went to Inner Mongolia in her previous life, but she has never ridden a horse in this life. She is not very interested in horse riding, but Chu Yuanzhou suggested it. She thinks there must be his intentions. Immediately nodded.

A group of four soon arrived at the royal racecourse.

The Royal Racecourse is in a valley outside the capital, which is somewhat similar to the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, except that the grass is artificially planted.

In the previous dynasty, there was still a forest here, and the forest was still a bit dense at that time. When the previous dynasty fell, the trees on this hill were chopped down to make arrows, but they were still replaced by Da Zhou.

I don't know why, since the fall of the previous dynasty, no trees have grown on this mountain. Originally, after those trees were cut down, small branches would grow again, but here there is not even a leaf growing. .

Since it is relatively close to the capital, a minister at that time suggested that grass seeds be planted in this valley to build a royal horse farm.

Emperor Taizu accepted this proposal, so this place became a royal horse farm, and this mountain was also called Wanjian Mountain.

After Yunqian arrived at the racecourse, she saw war horses everywhere in Nuo Da's valley. The scene looked absolutely shocking. It was many times wider than the racecourse she had seen on TV before.

(End of this chapter)

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