Chapter 1461 Wisdom Eyes Knowing Pearls
Today's weather is perfect for horseback riding.

Nangong Wushuang was called to watch the horses, but Chu Yuanzhou took Yun Qian to pick a horse and rode on it. At this time, Chu Yi was the only idler. He stood by the side of the racecourse and watched those war horses in the racecourse. Running around, his eyes were calm and cold.

There was a chuckle, and Chu Yitun looked around, only to see Chu Yuanzhou leading Yun Qian on a horse galloping in the racecourse, and there was a touch of injury in his eyes.

He knew that Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian had a deep relationship earlier, and felt that they were a good match, but he had never seen them get close.

At this time, the two were leaning together like this, Chu Yi only felt that this was the most beautiful scenery in the world, Yun Qian smiled very happily, the smile on that stunning face was so beautiful.

Perhaps because Chu Yuanzhou was behind her, she leaned her body tightly against Chu Yuanzhou's body, her eyes were not as tight as before, and she smiled so naturally and from the heart.

Yun Qian had smiled at him before, but compared with the smile in front of him, those smiles were less energetic and more cautious and forbearing. He once thought that she might be the kind of restrained woman, Be careful no matter what you do.

But seeing her appearance at this time, Chu Yi knew that he was wrong. The Yunqian he saw before was not the real Yunqian, but the Yunqian after wearing a mask.

He even felt that it was impossible for Yun Qian to smile at him so recklessly in this life.

Chu Yi's eyes were light, and there was a touch of Luo Mo.

Chu Han stood beside him and said, "Do you think they are a good match?"

Chu Yi didn't expect Chu Han to speak to him like this suddenly, he glanced at Chu Han and nodded slightly.

Chu Han looked at the two with jealous eyes and said: "I used to always dislike Chu Yuanzhou. I always thought he was not a good person, but also a playboy. I thought these two people were really unworthy. What a ridiculous idea."

"You like the princess?" Chu Yi asked with squinted eyes.

Chu Han said with some disdain: "It's the same with you!"

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, Chu Han glanced at him and said: "When the third brother told me before, I still couldn't believe it, how could you fall in love with someone like an ice cube, but I just saw you looking at her I knew that Brother San was right."

Chu Yi's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

But Chu Han said a little aggrieved: "It's just that Yun Qian is too unfeminine, she doesn't look like a woman at all, she made herself crazy before, so that people don't know her true face, how many people are scared by her Let's go. But if people know that her real appearance is like this, I should have married her back then!"

Chu Yi said indifferently: "That's the son of the world, I heard that you used to call her stupid every day, right?"

"That's right." Chu Han said with a long sigh: "This is also the reason why I admire Chu Yuanzhou. He is very accurate in seeing women. As long as they can fall into his eyes, they are definitely very good. The former snow mountain The saint is, and so is Yunqian now."

After hearing his words, Chu Yi gave him a glance from the corner of his eyes, and was too lazy to speak.

Chu Han reached out to touch Chu Yi and said, "How did the second brother fall in love with Yunqian?" He was always curious about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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