Chapter 1462 Well done
"Who said I like her?" Chu Yi said lightly.

Chu Han said disdainfully: "Everyone is a man, don't deny it!"

Chu Yi's eyes were a little deep, and he said without a trace: "Seventh Brother, don't you know that truth and falsehood are often just subjective identifications. The same thing, in the eyes of different people, some are true and some are false."

Chu Han's face changed slightly when he heard the words, but Chu Yi stopped paying attention to him, and strode towards Nangong Wushuang.

Chu Han glanced at Chu Yi, and spat softly, "What are you pretending to be?"

When Chu Yi turned around, his eyes dimmed a little, and his face became frosty again.

Yun Qian nestled in Chu Yuanzhou's arms, Chu Yuanzhou kissed her on the cheek and said, "Qianqian, you performed very well today."

"Behaved well?" Yun Qian's eyes were a little puzzled.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Exactly, you have behaved very well, and your attitude is so clear, even if Ah Yi still had some residual feelings for you before, I'm afraid it will disappear at this moment."

Only then did Yun Qian finally understand why he was in a good mood.

The corners of her mouth curled slightly, and she said softly: "The prince treats me well, so I naturally want to treat the prince well."

"I love to hear that." The corners of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth rose slightly, and as soon as he lowered his head, he pressed a kiss on Yunqian's face.

Yun Qian blushed slightly and said, "There are a lot of people here, be careful."

"My wife, what should I pay attention to?" Chu Yuanzhou spoke with confidence, he hugged her waist tighter and said: "Why don't we go home now so that I can kiss her well?" is you."

Yun Qian was a little speechless when she heard the words, and felt that there was really nothing to discuss with him on this issue, so she could only say, "Although Shi Ziye's proposal is very good, it seems a little unjust for us to ignore Prince Jing and leave."

"This matter has nothing to do with righteousness." Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Ah Yi also has a wife, if he wants to hug his wife, he can go directly to hug his wife."

Yunqian coughed lightly when she heard the words, but Chu Yuanzhou's expression changed slightly. She felt his strangeness and asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

Chu Yuanzhou didn't answer, just stretched out his finger, Yunqian looked along his finger, but saw that the horses not far away were full of energy just now, but they lost their energy in a moment, and several of them ran wildly while running. Neighing, it looked like it was in extreme pain.

Yun Qian asked, "What's going on?"

Chu Yuanzhou replied: "Something happened, let's go back first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several war horses galloping towards the two of them. Chu Yuanzhou was so sensitive that when he realized that something was wrong, he immediately hugged Yun Qian off the horse.

As soon as the two people jumped off their horses, the horse they were riding just now neighed a long time, and then spread its hooves and galloped forward.

The two stood next to the horse, Ma Feiyang's hoof almost kicked Yunqian to the ground, Chu Yuanzhou didn't even think about it, he raised his foot, and kicked the horse over, the horse spun in the air, and then He fell to the ground so heavily that he lost his breath in an instant.

Yun Qian felt that she had clashed with the horse this year, and she had had accidents because of the horse several times.

Her eyes deepened, Chu Yuanzhou had already hugged her, and after a few ups and downs, she landed on the stable not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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