Chapter 1474
Yun Qian didn't bother to pay attention to Chu Han's ridicule, and turned her head to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "This incident is full of weirdness, it is impossible for any disease to occur on such a large scale, and death occurs in such a short period of time. In addition, the corner of the horse's mouth is foaming, and there are bloodstains in the nose. This situation is really like poisoning, and only after poisoning will such a large-scale outbreak. But we just saw that there is no problem with water and food. .And these horses only arrived at the racecourse today, so there is another possibility."

When she said this, she paused, and Chu Yuanzhou asked, "What's possible?"

Yun Qian narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "That means he was poisoned on the way back to Beijing!"

"Impossible!" Chu Han immediately denied: "I know that this batch of horses is of great importance, and the emperor attaches great importance to it. I am afraid that there will be any mistakes on the road, so I am extremely careful when I bring these horses back to the capital. Idlers are not allowed to approach, and on the way to send the horse back to Beijing, the horse feed used is specially made by Tuo Yin, and there is no grass from other places at all, so there is no possibility of problems."

After hearing Chu Han's words, Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and she asked, "The Seventh Prince just said that all the fodder for the horses on the way back to Beijing was sent by Tuo Yin. Have you eaten other fodder these days?"

"That's right." Chu Han replied: "King Tuoyin was very happy to see the prince buying horses, so this time he sold all the good horses they were reluctant to sell to me, and when he left, he even gave them to me. Lots of fodder."

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly, and he asked, "Dare to ask the Seventh Prince, do you still have those fodder?"

"You don't suspect that there is something wrong with the fodder!" Chu Han said disdainfully, "Tuoyin's horses have grown up on this kind of fodder since they were young, so how could something happen! And the accompanying grooms have said that the fodder very good."

After hearing his words, Chu Yuanzhou was a little unhappy, and said coldly: "What are you doing with so much nonsense, Qianqian asked you if you still have the fodder, and you can just answer if you have, what are you doing with so much nonsense? "

Chu Han was so angry that blue veins popped on his forehead, he said angrily, "Chu Yuanzhou, don't you know how to speak human language?"

Chu Yuanzhou rolled his eyes at him and said, "I've been talking in human language all the time. Could it be that the Seventh Prince doesn't understand human language?"

Chu Yi said from the side: "The son and the seventh brother should say less. If the matter this time cannot be found out, I am afraid that no one will be able to get away with it."

Chu Han gave Chu Yuanzhou a hard look, and then said loudly: "There is still a little more, it's over there."

It turned out that King Tuoyin gave Chu Han a lot of forage, but after entering Beijing, the forage was used up, and only half a cart was left there.

Chu Yuanzhou rolled his eyes at him and said, "What do you mean, lead the way."

Chu Han was so angry that he wanted to beat Chu Yuanzhou up, but he also knew that no one in the entire Zhou Dynasty could beat Chu Yuanzhou if he fought alone, so he gritted his teeth and walked in front angrily.

Chu Yi took a look at Chu Yuanzhou. Chu Yuanzhou is actually very smooth in his daily actions. Today, he provoked Chu Han several times. It is probably because Chu Han had a crush on Yun Qian. He deliberately wanted to embarrass Chu. cold.

Chu Yi can understand these things, but it is hard to explain them clearly. He is watching from the side, and he is actually quite uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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