Chapter 1475 The Grass of Knowing
Chu Han pointed to the fodder on the side and said, "That's all."

Yun Qian nodded slightly at him, and saw that the forage was not too much, only a few bundles were thrown at the corner.

Yun Qian picked up the forage from the ground, and took it to her nose to smell it. The forage had been placed for a while, and it seemed a little dry. When she smelled the smell carefully, a very strange smell came out. , she immediately let out a "huh".

Chu Yuanzhou asked: "Qianqian, is there anything unusual?"

Yun Qian didn't answer, but just broke off the grass and smelled it, then tore off a piece and chewed it lightly in her mouth, her brows furrowed even more.

Seeing her expression, Chu Han asked, "What's the matter? It can't be that the grass is really a problem, is it? If there is a problem, then why have the horses been fine for so long?"

Yun Qian ignored him, but looked at Nangong Wushuang who was standing at the back of the crowd and said, "Wushuang, come and see if these forages are the ones that Tuoyin's horses used to eat?"

Chu Han said disdainfully: "The fodder that the horses eat is similar, and it's really rare and strange for you as a woman."

The steward intervened and said, "The Seventh Prince's words are wrong. There are actually many kinds of forage that horses eat. If it is subdivided, there may be hundreds of kinds. It's just that the forage that horses eat on weekdays is the same. , so everyone thinks that the only fodder is that. As far as I know, the fodder I feed my horses is very different from the fodder Tuoyin feeds his horses. Our fodder looks like wheat, with flat and long leaves. When the horses are freeing, they eat all kinds of grass including cat ear grass, sawgrass, long ear grass, and flat hair grass. It’s just that some grasses are not easy to store after drying. For example, in this horse farm, there are also grasses growing on the ground. There are many kinds. In Tuoyin, I know that there are more types of grassland, and I also heard that Tuoyin has a kind of grass, and the horses will grow fat and strong after eating it."

What he said somewhat demolished Chu Han, and Chu Han couldn't bear it any longer when he heard the back, he immediately kicked him up and said, "Shut up, I didn't ask you!"

Seeing Chu Han's look a little funny, Yun Qian just frowned slightly, and cast her eyes on Nangong Wushuang.

Nangong Wushuang picked up the forage and looked at it carefully, and said: "This is a relatively rare kind of forage in Tuoyin, and it is specially used to feed Tuoyin's unique horse."

Yun Qian's eyes dimmed when she heard the words, and there was a little helplessness in her eyes. She was always smart, and although she was not familiar with grass fodder, she had always believed in medical skills, but this time she had no clue.

She just looked at the forage, and it would be wrong to say that there is a problem. This kind of grass is a bit strong, but it is not poisonous. If these horses have been eating this kind of forage, then there will be no such problems .

She sighed lightly, and Chu Yuanzhou saw her like this and said: "This kind of grass is fine, so there is no need to investigate. Let's go and look at other places. I don't believe that we can't find any clues."

Yun Qian nodded her head lightly, but she heard Nangong Wushuang say from the side: "Strange."

"What's the matter?" Yunqian asked, her eyes were a little curious, just now Nangong Wushuang had always said that the grass was normal, but now when it comes to being strange, there must be a reason.

(End of this chapter)

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