Chapter 1493 His Responsibility
"I don't need to do those boring things." Chu Yi said lightly: "In my opinion, this matter is not a bad thing, but I feel that these things are mixed together, which makes me a little unclear, and there is a surge in the middle. A lot of emotions were involved, which made me a little unclear, and even once walked into my own misunderstanding."

Nangong Wushuang understood his words better, and then Chu Yi said a sentence that Nangong Wushuang will remember for a lifetime, because of this sentence, in the changes of life in the future, in the tide of history , when she was most helpless, it was like a bright light illuminating her way forward.

He said softly: "We are both abandoned by the royal family. Only the other party can truly understand our loneliness and helplessness. Maybe it is impossible for me to fall in love with you in my entire life, but I feel that if we want to be in the vast crowd Find someone to keep warm, then that person must be you."

After Nangong Wushuang heard his words, she swallowed all the words she originally wanted to say. In her heart, she had the attachment and paranoia that belonged to a girl's feelings, and even had a bit of a dream in her heart.

Those dreams have been crushed and shattered in the imperial power, but now she has not completely shattered that dream.

At this time, after she heard Chu Yi's words, for some reason, she suddenly understood a lot of things, and suddenly grew up a lot, and her girlish feelings that were exclusive to dreaming faded a lot at this moment.

But there was a touch of warmth that had never been there before. She felt that the sky in early summer seemed to be cold, and he who stood by was the warmth of her life.

She pursed her lips lightly, with tears in her eyes.

Chu Yi glanced at her, and said again: "So I didn't go out tonight to hide from you. If you are willing to be with me all your life, maybe I can't give you a lifetime of happiness, but I can protect you all your life. If I live, no one will bully you."

After he finished speaking, he strode out, leaving Nangong Wushuang standing there in a daze.

The night wind blows head-on, and Chu Yi feels a little cold standing in the valley, the sky is full of stars, hanging all over the sky.

Chu Yi sighed inaudibly, the night was dark, he stood there as if blending with the night, as if he was about to disappear into the vast night sky, with one hand behind his back.

For some reason, he, who has always been physically strong, felt a little cold in this night. He didn't know whether the coldness came from his insight into the world, or from the loneliness in his heart.

Chu Yi didn't go to patrol around that night, but sat there in the valley and listened to the wind all night. He might understand some things, but he also felt that he didn't understand in his heart, and he had something that belonged to him. helpless.

His feelings often make people feel a little cold, but he knows better than anyone in his heart that he is completely different from what he appears on the outside.

In that world, he longed for warmth.

He has always believed that the biggest difference between humans and animals is that they have rich emotions. No matter what others think of him or how he behaves in front of outsiders, he is always an emotional person.

He half leaned on the dirt slope, letting his feet rest on the green grass, letting the dewdrops fall from the sky, wet his clothes and shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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