Chapter 1494 Didn't understand
On the second day, Chu Yuanzhou got up early in the morning. When he came out, he saw Chu Yi half leaning there, his eyes slightly closed, his eyes darkened, and he slowly sat beside Chu Yi. Down.

When Chu Yi felt someone was around him, he opened his eyes very quickly. Seeing that it was Chu Yuanzhou, he sat back down again, and said softly, "Why do you wake up so early?"

At this time, it was only just beginning to light up, and the east was only showing a little white belly.

Chu Yuanzhou said lightly: "It's not as early as you, you have been sleeping here since last night!"

Chu Yi coughed lightly, and Chu Yuanzhou glanced at him and said slowly: "Why, can't you pass your own test?"

Chu Yi coughed lightly and said: "Nonsense, nothing."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly when he heard the words, tilted his head slightly and said, "You have something on your mind."

"That's right!" Chu Yi responded casually, then turned his head to look at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "I thought about a lot of things last night, and when I think about it carefully, I feel that those things may not be called things."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows, Chu Yi sighed and said: "Perhaps for me, responsibility is much more important than anything else, and now I have my own responsibility on my shoulders."

Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly when he heard the words, but Chu Yi said again: "I remember being sent to Ningde by my father when I was young. At that time, I could only see my father once a year. It was when he first arrived in Ningde. When I was young, I brought a group of attendants to pick me up. It's just that my father was not very happy when he saw me. When I was a child, I always didn't understand why all this happened, and then I would ask my nanny. "

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened, and Chu Yi said again: "My nanny told me that it was because my father didn't love my mother and concubine. The emperor does not love his mother and concubine."

"When I'm older, I will understand." Chu Yi said in a low voice: "In the royal family, love is often related to status and interests, and I don't want to be that kind of person. I don't want to Giving birth to a child with a woman I don’t like, because adults cannot understand the world of children. The lack of emotion for children is a very painful thing for children. I don’t want my children to suffer what I have suffered before. bitter."

Chu Yuanzhou asked: "Why are you talking about these unhappy things so early in the morning?"

"This matter is not an unhappy matter to me." Chu Yi turned his head and looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "It's just a memory, it's just talking about these things objectively. Besides, those who are happy or unhappy Things don’t exist just because you want or don’t want to.”

Chu Yuanzhou nodded slightly and said: "You are very reasonable, but I was a little surprised when I heard you say these words this morning. I thought that what you said to me at this time should be how to deal with this time crisis, after all, you have been involved in this matter."

Chu Yi said slowly: "I don't think it's difficult to deal with my father's affairs, but it's very difficult to pass my own."

"Oh?" Chu Yuanzhou looked at Chu Yi with his head tilted and said, "Ayi, why do I feel that I didn't understand more than half of what you just said."

"How can you not understand." Chu Yi smiled and said: "You are just reading my joke."

(End of this chapter)

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