Chapter 1496 No need to be responsible
Chu Yi has always been very serious about feelings, but doing such a thing at this time, after all, surprised Chu Yuanzhou. He always felt that Chu Yi should do it later.

It's just that Chu Yi did it at this time, and he also felt very good, at least for the two of them today, they are still the best brothers in the world.

After Yunqian woke up, she didn't see Chu Yuanzhou. Seeing the unfamiliar scenery around her, she was slightly startled. Then she remembered what happened yesterday and realized that he and she were in the racecourse.

She got up slowly, then opened the door, and then saw Chu Yi and Chu Yuanzhou standing on the grass not far away and talking about something, her eyes moved slightly.

She heard light footsteps behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw Nangong Wushuang standing behind her.

Nangong Wushuang smiled and said, "Qianqian woke up so early."

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Me too! Why do you get up so early?"

"Perhaps it was because I smelled a lot of grass yesterday and lived in the grass again, so last night I dreamed that I returned to the pack of wolves and saw my wolf mother." Nangong Wushuang said slowly.

Yun Qian was slightly stunned, Nangong Wushuang flattened his mouth again and said: "But when I woke up, I suddenly remembered that my wolf mother had already died, and then my biological mother had also died. I felt a little sad, and then I couldn't fall asleep anyway, so I got up."

"It's all over." Yun Qian comforted, "Don't think about it any more."

Nangong Wushuang nodded lightly and said: "Maybe it's because of the dream last night. Now I want to go back to Tuoyin's wolves."

Yun Qian gently took her hand and said, "You are never alone, we are friends."

Nangong Wushuang's sapphire-like eyes were filled with tears, but he didn't speak, but tightened Yun Qian's hand.

Seeing her like this, Yunqian sighed in her heart, but smiled slightly on her face.

On the way back to Beijing, Nangong Wushuang and Chu Yi were in the same carriage. She turned her head to look at Chu Yi and said, "I thought about what the prince said to me last night, and finally felt something was wrong."

Chu Yi looked back, and Nangong Wushuang said softly: "My lord and I share the same illness, and I also love him in my heart, but I don't want him to be so strong. I also think that I have no ability to make him fall in love with me, and I can't stand shoulder to shoulder with him. .”

There was a strange color in Chu Yi's eyes, but Nangong Wushuang lowered his head slightly, and then said slowly: "Maybe we can understand each other's thoughts, but I know that there is a place in the prince's heart that is me. I will never be able to touch it. And in my heart, there is also a place that the prince can't touch."

Nangong Wushuang raised his head slightly when he said this, Chu Yi looked at her and said, "What do you want to say?"

Nangong Wushuang bit his lips and said: "I made it very clear to the lord last night that I love the lord and it really has nothing to do with the lord. The lord doesn't have to worry about my worries at all, and he doesn't have to be responsible for me. We just each Take what you need. I came to Dazhou just to save my life, and the prince married me only because of the emperor's intention."

Chu Yi frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at her lightly.

Nangong Wushuang said again: "So the prince doesn't have to be responsible to me, and I don't need the prince to be responsible to me."

(End of this chapter)

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