Chapter 1497 It's All Excuses
Nangong Wushuang's words made Chu Yi a little surprised. He was about to speak, but Nangong Wushuang rushed in front of him and said: "Although the prince spoke very bluntly in front of me last night, the meaning of those words is beyond words. It made me think a lot, but I was not a smart woman since I was a child, and I never could understand the twists and turns in people's hearts, I just felt..."

Her tone paused slightly, she stared straight at Chu Yi with her sapphire-like eyes open and said: "In my opinion, if the prince really wants to be with me and treat me well, he must not have done it last night. Will go out. I know the prince will say something happened last night. "

Her words were slightly rushed here, and Chu Yi's eyes deepened.

However, Nangong Wushuang's eyes dimmed, and she looked away, and she fell on the curtain of the carriage and said: "In my opinion, those are just excuses, the excuse that the prince doesn't want to face me, or in the prince's heart, I didn't really think about accepting me, I just thought it should be done."

Chu Yi's eyes moved slightly and said: "You think too much."

"Maybe!" Nangong Wushuang said softly: "It's just that for me, I would rather keep my original aspiration for the prince. If the prince can really achieve what he wants, I will ask the prince to let me go after he succeeds. If the prince If I can't fulfill my wish in this life, then I also ask the prince to let me go after all the dust settles."

Chu Yi's eyes deepened, and Nangong Wushuang said quietly: "Mother Wolf once told me a story about Changshengtian. Everyone has their own Changshengtian in their hearts. My Changshengtian should be that prairie .”

Chu Yi didn't speak for a while after listening to her words, and there was silence in the carriage.

Nangong Wushuang called softly: "My lord."

Chu Yi looked back at her slowly and said: "I never force others to be difficult."

Nangong Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, and Chu Yi said lightly: "This matter is your choice. Although I don't think there is anything wrong, I don't think it is very appropriate. Although I don't like you now, but I will still try to do it, and if I still can't like you before all the dust settles, then I will definitely let you go."

Nangong Wushuang nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then gave him a sweet smile.

Chu Yi's eyes warmed slightly after seeing her smile. From the first time he saw her, he knew that she was a very smart woman. In fact, she could see through many things, but It's just unknown.

He sat there and sighed softly, feeling a lot lighter in his heart.

The first thing Chu Han did after returning to the capital was to go to Chu Mo's place. When he arrived, Chu Mo was coming out of the house. As soon as Chu Mo saw Chu Han, he said happily: "I heard that you came back yesterday. Jing, I originally wanted to see you, but I was delayed because of some things. I only heard that you bought a lot of good horses this time, and the emperor will be very happy."

Chu Mo was really happy to see Chu Han, and felt that Chu Han did a good job this time, which was of great help to him.

After Chu Han saw Chu Mo, he originally thought that Chu Mo would ask him if the journey was hard and whether the trip was going well, but Chu Mo didn't ask these things, which made Chu Han slightly disappointed, and felt that brotherhood was nothing more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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