Chapter 1498 Brotherhood
Because Chu Han felt a little disappointed, there was a subtle change in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, he finally said softly, "Third brother, something happened."

Chu Mo saw that Chu Han's complexion was not good, and asked, "What happened? But something happened to the horse?"

"Yeah." Chu Han replied: "When I sent the horses back to the Royal Racecourse yesterday, those horses were infected with plague and died a lot."

"How could this happen!" Chu Mo's face changed slightly: "How could you be so careless?"

Chu Yuanzhou blocked the news tightly, and no one in Beijing knew what happened at the racecourse yesterday.

Seeing Chu Mo like this, Chu Han felt even more disappointed, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he still had a bit of a childlike heart, so he said loudly, "I'm already very careful, but how can I be completely careful about the things along the way?" Take control? As soon as the third brother saw me, he didn't ask me whether the journey was hard or if I encountered any setbacks. He only cared about those horses, whether I was successful this time, and whether I would make my father happy!"

Chu Mo frowned slightly after hearing what Chu Han said, and said softly: "Of course I care about these things, but aren't you standing in front of me now?"

There was tears in Chu Han's eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "Third Brother knew that I had issued a military order with Emperor Father before I left the house. If things don't go well this time, Emperor Father can kill mine!"

"Seventh brother." There was a faint smile in Chu Mo's eyes and said: "You are the biological son of the father, how could the father kill you, no matter how bad your things are, all the horses will die Well, Father will only punish you symbolically."

Chu Han pursed his lips and did not speak.

Chu Mo was already in a hurry, he said worriedly: "You just said that something happened to the horse, what happened, is it serious, I recommended you to Tuoyin to buy the horse, if something happened to you , I will also be punished. And this matter involves a lot, and it is very likely to affect the overall situation, how can I not care?"

Chu Han bit his lips and said, "Third Brother is right. If something happens to me, Third Brother will also be implicated. Now I just want to ask Third Brother, if Father Emperor really wants to kill me, will you Come save me?"

When he asked this question, he felt a sense of anticipation, but he could guess how Chu Mo would answer him.

"Ask stupid things!" Chu Mo frowned and said, "You are my own brother, how could I ignore you, please tell me first, what happened to those horses?"

After Chu Han glanced at him, he said softly: "I went to Tuoyin to buy horses. Tuoyin knew that he was going to deal with Xiliang. At that time, he sold me some good horses, but it was a trap. After those horses entered Beijing yesterday, they had a big problem because of the acclimatization. Fortunately, the son and the second brother were there at the time, and then the loss was minimized. Dozens of horses died. Although the others were under control, But it’s not very useful anymore.”

"How could this happen!" Chu Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "How could you be so careless? You fell into someone else's trap so easily."

"This trap was not set by someone else, but fourth brother." Chu Han bit his lip lightly and took out the letter that Chu Yuanzhou gave him yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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