Chapter 1499 How to deal with it
Chu Mo took the letter suspiciously. When Chu Mo read the letter, Chu Han said, "Chu Yuanzhou got this letter from the bodyguard next to me. It should be true. Chu Yuanzhou returned the letter." Tell me that the guard next to me should have been inserted in when the elder brother was there, and that guard is strictly speaking the elder brother's person. Maybe he left this letter because he was dissatisfied with the fourth brother."

Chu Mo's eyes were full of deep eyes when he saw the letter, but Chu Han said again: "Fourth Brother can put someone by my side, and if you think about it, you can also put someone by Third Brother's side."

Chu Mo also had such doubts before. When he fought with Chu Yuan before, he also suffered a few secret losses. Now when he read this letter, he understood the crux of the matter.

He sneered and said: "This matter is really interesting. I really didn't expect the ability of the fourth brother to be so great. In the past, it didn't matter if the elder brother was left or right, but now he dares to collude with Tuo Yin!"

"Third brother, why don't we send this letter to the father and let the father handle this matter." Chu Han suggested.

"No." Chu Mo said slowly: "The fourth brother has always been scheming, and this matter is done so secretly, although there are some flaws in the middle, but according to his temperament, he will definitely be able to evade the matter completely At that time, I'm afraid that we will still have the impression that we can't do a good job in the heart of the emperor, and we will frame our brothers."

After hearing Chu Mo's words, Chu Han said, "Third brother is right, but is it possible that we were tricked by him this time?"

Chu Han was a little bit unwilling in his heart, after all, he was young and still a little bit full of vigor.

Chu Mo said coldly: "Of course this matter will not be let go, but another method is needed. After the eldest brother was imprisoned by the Guanzong Mansion, the empress was banned for three months, but after the ban was lifted, the father After all, it is still good to her. And the fourth brother has always been close to the eldest brother, and has always been very fond of her, so the empress has now raised the fourth brother as her own son, and now everything is towards him .”

Hearing this, Chu Han already understood Chu Mo's concerns, and he couldn't help but said again: "Third brother is right, but having a private relationship with Tuo Yin is equivalent to treason, father will definitely be furious Yes, even if the fourth brother can exonerate himself this time, this kind of thing is the most taboo of my father, so I can plant seeds of doubt in my father's heart."

"What's the use of just having the seeds of doubt? We can't do things that can't knock him down in one fell swoop." Chu Mo said with danger in his eyes: "Either we don't take action, or we will knock him down completely if we do." land."

Chu Han sighed softly, and Chu Mo said slowly again: "You don't need to be angry, we must avenge this hatred, but we must choose a suitable opportunity, let's keep this letter carefully, and wait until the opportunity comes." Take it out again."

Hearing what Chu Mo said, Chu Han had no choice but to put the letter away.

But Chu Mo asked again: "You said that Chu Yuanzhou gave you this letter, why did he give you this letter? Don't you find it strange?"

"He was also involved in this incident." Chu Han replied, "He thinks it's best for us to handle this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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